
That’s all nice and fine except for the fact that active duty military can do just that. If my car is registered in my home state of Texas and my plates are expired and/or out of inspection you cannot get a ticket upon proof of active duty military ID and home drivers license. You are not a resident of said state you

Meh, I’ll stick with Private Internet Access. Works great and they have an Android app as well.

Unless you’re on a certain type of drug which makes you dehydrate and want to drink insane amounts of water until your stomach can’t hold anymore....

Adult breastfeeding.....that is all.

So why on the outside does it look like a mini penis sometimes? More testosterone in some women?

What I said was they should be thrown out until they can get them right. I’m not high and mighty because we don’t accept subsidies, we just choose not to accept them until they are good for everyone. It’s not the efficacy of incentives that is the debate, it’s what they are targeted to. That is what you don’t seem to

Did I mention anywhere that I don’t know what subsidies are? I know exactly what they are and what they do and don’t do. Yes in a correct setting they can be good but in the current setting they aren’t. Calling someone a troll because they don’t agree with your view is lame. A debate is a debate. Don’t get pissy about

Wow, think you know it all but you don’t. Yes subsidies include a lot but water where our farm is isn’t one of them. We have wells and canals and don’t need that. If you bothered to read previous replies to some, I addressed the importation. The problem is that farmland to grow those types of crops has been overrun by

It is when you look at the article and how the corn subsidies have done NOTHING to help the american people. Instead of doing the government’s bidding, which we all know they really know what’s best for us right??? Choose to grow what helps. Simple.

Because the subsidies aren’t well targeted....perfect example...Corn.

First, the farm is in an area not suited to fruit/vegetable production.

Rice and Wheat

“Its unfortunate that nowadays with modern cars, even if you think you know what you’re doing, you can’t mess with the air/fuel tuning unless you have the proper understanding and the right tools.”

First, stop trying to grow shit where it isn’t adapted to grow. You’re using water in places that water isn’t meant to really be. Second, government subsidies should be abolished. They always want you to grow what isn’t needed at the time and you’re at the whim of them so they tell you what to grow. Remember the Corn

That’s easy.....Beef, it’s what’s for dinner and locally grown produce. Been doing that for awhile now.

It’s too late for this now. The black market will boom and the people you don’t want having guns will have more of them. It will also lead to who used to be normal citizens turning to the black market for them.

Most won’t even bother if your relevant work history isn’t dated.

While this article is all nice and fine, most of the questions are already answered on a hiring form when you apply for a job. Especially the how old are you question. Employers don’t even have to ask that, your resume tells them. Also, job application forms want education information, especially if you have a degree

OMG another “hazing” story. You know you have a’s called walk away from it all. No one forced you to do shit. You cave into pressure because you’re weak.

Until you get a testosterone level that’s under the standard, then your 5-0 Dano is no bueno.