
You'd think, being a human with eyes, you'd be able to distinguish between two different objects.


Yup, it has been said before but it's good to keep saying it. But whatever you do, don't set up a kickstarter to try to bring the message to a larger audience because then you get the majority of the comment section here.

Yup what Glitterbug said, the only thing I could think of that might be awkward is if one person was much worse than the others in the group. Like 12 strokes a hole and everyone else is hitting par. I could see that being embarrassing for the one who isn't as good. But that has nothing to do with gender, or where you

I............. errr............. wat?

Yeah she drank and drove. Therefore she should have been shot in the face. That makes a lot of sense. I know a ton of people who drink and drive, and as direct consequence of that get shot in the face. In fact its one of the biggest warnings about drunk driving out there, MADD had a huge ad campaign about it.

It's more of genuine seething rage for me, actually.

Understandable, but it's also understandable for people to suspect that a man who shot an unarmed, intoxicated black woman might be racist. But you know how he could have avoided all of this, not shooting her in the face. So I don't really have any sympathy for this guy getting mislabeled a racist. At best he's still

No but people tend to be suspicious of the ones that shoot black women in the face. It's one of the unfortunate side effects of FUCKING KILLING SOMEONE!!!!

Yeah I have no clue, the only thing I know about telling who fired a gun and how far is from CSI with the magic blacklight spray they use. But it's have to be at least several feet if there were no signs at all.

A lot of irrelevant information that people will use to imply, but not directly state, that she deserved to get shot.

Witnesses say that Wafer opened his door and shot McBride in the face with a shotgun through his screendoor.

"I'm confident when the evidence comes it will show that my client was justified and acted as a reasonable person would who wanted to shoot someone"

OMG I can hear his voice speaking those lines. This is perfect.

So they're no longer just blocking off multiplayer with an online pass. HOOORAYYYY now they can limit single player with online passes as well. Now if you buy used you can pay $10 to "access the full single-player experience"

I read closer as one who closes. Either way it doesn't make much sense

Yeah that's how I see it. That's why I'd like to see this study across cultures/ages/etc.

Ohh yeah absolutely, I kind of said this in another comment but I'd like to see this tested more thoroughly. Like, does this only occur in adults or do children do this too, do infants. If it doesn't happen in children then it is probably a learned process, but it could also be triggered by puberty. Which would be

You seem really really really really invested in the idea that everything about how we perceive women has to do with reproduction. I agree that it is a huge part of how life works and how we interact with eachother in the world. BUT it is not the only reason we as humans do something. It is on factor out of many. You