
I skipped Vs and JL. I’m perfectly fine seeing only the individual hero movies (WW, Aquaman) and imagining in my head how awesome a Justice League movie would have been.

Indeed, my friend. Indeed.

You lasted longer than me. I dropped it last season when it was apparent (long before the reveal) that Zavitar was Barry.

Look, George’s strength was never storytelling but rather world-building, and the fact of the matter is the first Star Wars was a perfect storm of many things that came together.


Forget that two-loving-parents-raised-to-do-good-simply-because-it’s-right bullshit. Superman’s got that on lock.

Many, many people, throughout history, would much rather have someone tell them what to do than try to decide it themselves.

As was Patrick Stewart, I think.

You really should go back and watch the show. You might change your mind.

Anybody else been loving the posters for Antman and the Wasp? The color scheme and designs have been better than most others these days, I thought.

See, I couldn’t ever get into the Purge movies because the premise is just so ridiculous. I mean, for something like that to happen in real life, you’d need a culture obsessed with crime and violence, easy access to all kinds of weapons, a corrupt and inhumane justice system, and a leader dumb enough to-

Which is why I’m confused that the Big IP box won’t say yes. What’s the hang-up, exactly?

Ok, I’ll be the one guy. I liked (and still like, caught it on HBO recently) the first one and am actually excited for these sequels.

Welp, guess we’ll just have to go get more.

I don’t know who that guy in the pic is, but it doesn’t look like Paul Hogan.

Twinkle twinkle little bat

Lol. They have no interest in bold.

not Roger Moore/Octopussy old

That’s definitely cool, to have a positive example, but what’s the overall score? 2-23 for fandoms bringing it back?

I’m glad we’ll see more of Westeros, but I’m sorry it hasn’t translated to more epic fantasy on TV. Yes, there have certainly been some attempts (both after LoTR and GoT), but I don’t know if it’s still cost or what but none of it has taken off. Which is a pity, because this sort of thing works so much better as