
You are me in the witcher 2. I had no idea what was going on and the game didn't really try to explain anything through narrative either until maybe halfway through the game. So maybe if you played a bit more of DA:I you'd have been caught up by the halfway mark.

I know people say its an rpg but darksouls is more of an action game with stats. There is no significant role to play. If dark souls is an rpg then so is armored core.

Can confirm, controls were clunky as fuck.

CE being higher than VoG gear is definitely not a major complaint I hear. I only see vendor gear readily outclassing raid gear being an issue with the player base. Also high level gear all looking the same minus whatever exotic you have equipped.

I'm not necessarily an expert on football rules but it seems as if each team provides their own balls which are then inspected. Whenever a team is on offense the quarterback is provided the balls that his team brought to play with.

I will once I get the funds for one, I kinda broke the bank with the ps4/xbox1 but on the upside income tax season is right around the corner so it shouldn't be long.

We can both have opinions ^_^.

I know there is a whole the ps4 controller doesn't suck anymore hype train and all, but I bought a ps4 on that assumption and it just isn't true. While miles better than the dualshock 3 the triggers and analog don't feel right. The analog feels cheap to the touch and way too loose while the triggers are just too stiff

Dualshock 4 also comes with world class shitty analog sticks and triggers. I swear I'd play my ps4 more often if the analogs and triggers didn't feel so awkward.

I feel like this may be a case of nostalgia gloves or something. The shape is great but all the buttons sucked. The second analog was terrible for almost everything the triggers had too much travel and the Z button was stiff as a brick on every controller I touched.

Shouldn't grenades kill you if you are at the center of the blast?

Except for the unbalanced mess that is Destiny PVP.

Sorry I misunderstood your statement. You are correct.


All your points are sound just drop the "social justice" part cause it makes you sound like a cartoon villain.

They're trying to bury the bad press unity has been receiving, by throwing a new shiny in our face.

Keep has been announce at least as early as spring this year from my memory. I agree though same platform should have transitioned save states. previous gen to current gen I can give them a pass.

Well I didn't know that Apple got litigious outside of suing Android OEMs . The top one is over-reach IMO and the bottom one is definitely skirting the apple line with its leaf and the whole glossy gradient thing apple was into a couple of years ago.

More like you can put an apple on your minor league baseballs team without worrying that some giant corporation unrelated whatsoever to baseball because they think their consumers may confuse your baseball shirts for computer shirts.

Pretty much. At least when it comes to sports team.