Pretty obvious that he's playing an AT-AT, no?
Pretty obvious that he's playing an AT-AT, no?
Pokemon are assholes.
Abandoning your starter for some OP legendary? For shame.
Piccolo not first? Pulls off arm in disgust.
Not racist – just shallow.
Good luck in your relation-ship, congratulations on tying the KNOT and oar you going to post more pictures for us to sea?
Aw yiss, just picked up the crossbow and the waffle maker. Now I have no need for tongs.
I chuckled.
Haha yes I should have changed that already. Thanks for the catch!
Everyone's getting their jimmies all rustled over this. Calm down. I found it enjoyable.
In episode 2F09 when Itchy plays Scratchy's skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib twice in succession, yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we to believe, that this is some sort of a magic xylophone or something?
As someone who has never played WoW, what kind of time commitment are we talking about here? Just in game, since it seems like he did a lot of cooperation outside, too? I have no concept, though I imagine it's an embarrassing amount.
Damn it. I always said $40 would be my sweet spot for Titanfall. $37 is even more savings, but I'm neck deep in Diablo 3 on PS3 and loving it. Do I cave and get something that will inevitably distract me from my ever-more-powerful Demon Hunter?! THE DILEMMA!?!?! Haha.
I'm in for a Titanfall on 360!
Actually, your reaction has made me feel quite amused.
"I think there's something wrong with your machine, my penis is waaaay bigger than that."
Would it be a better world if Hayao Miyazaki classics like My Neighbour Totoro or Princess Mononoke were drawn and…
I think you need to...
Fun fact: the author is a big Final Fantasy VI fan. The main character, Locke, is the direct namesake of the thief from the game, while his love interest, Sabetha, is named after Sabin.