Have you read this Vox article?
Have you read this Vox article?
Ahhh.. the 80s was a rough time. I was a kid in the 80s and my dad worked in construction. I don’t think I need to say anything else.
I don’t take it as harsh. I feel we are actually having a conversation. So, let’s go with that.
What is this apathy?! I blame 2016.
I liked Fleabag but she was damn uncomfortable to watch. I was in the right frame of mind to watch it. Today, I wouldn’t be able to watch it because too much has happened in the last 6 weeks. However, her family pissed me the fuck off and if I was her I would have bailed on their asses.
It took me a while to plow through The Crown, but I love John Lithgow and enjoyed seeing how much of an insecure dick Phillip could be.
It seems to me that the problem was with the facility not with me. I am glad that it worked out for you and you received the services you need. It didn’t work that way for me.
I don’t know why I am responding to you. Is there a sign on the door that you think bans non-Democrat women from going to PP for services? Have you ever been to a PP? PP is for everyone.
Oh I know. I just contacted Ted Poe’s office (my US rep), Paul Bettencourt and Gary Elkins. I had to leave messages for Bettencourt and Elkins’ offices.
Hey! I live in Houston (well we are a blue island surrounded by a sea of red) and we are a target. So, some reds will go down. Of course, no one will be able to drive their cars after the gas plants are nuked.
Was I trailing you in a former life? I lived in San Diego. I came to voting awareness in CA and I never recovered from voting for people that I believed in on the local level.
Don’t lament how this will affect poor and isolated women and out the other side of your mouth heckle the state and tell the rest of us to leave while we can - some of us here are in a prime position to help, and bailing hurts those women even more.
They just adjust them again. I have a totally different representative and map from just 2 years ago. They are still fighting over this new map because the courts threw it back, but it was too late to change it before the last election.
So jealous! I wish Joaquin Castro was my rep, I have fucking Ted Poe. I got the thank you for call. I might need to drift over to his local office during lunch. Let me find the address.
I didn’t mention abortion and the government doesn’t fund abortions (see previous comment about the Hyde amendment. As much as you may hate it, an abortion is a medical procedure just like a D&C. So are you saying that the government shouldn’t fund medical procedures?
Yes you can. Look at your settings. If it isn’t taking you to smile.amazon.com, call Amazon and they will help you getting the settings right.
I am in a purple district that has been gerrymandered to all hell and back so yeah it is red. We are out there fighting with money and time. I will say that this last election has made many folks jump off the damn couch.
Mine goes to the Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast Inc.
I do this. I feel that every little bit helps.