
I feel that way about my home state of Texas. Half of my mind wants to bail as soon as my youngest goes to college in 18 months or so. The other half of my mind says run for the school board and work on the state from within by combat the voter restrictions and gerrymandering. I live in Houston so I have a liberal

Agreed! Also, it continues to be painful that people shrug off Trumps’s multiple Putin-linked advisors, cabinet picks, and debts, as bizarre “conspiracy theories”. Hillary Clinton running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor seems perfectly reasonable to them, though.

And I’ve lived 43 black-assed years in this country. People have ALWAYS been openly racist. Who does everyone think all of us were complaining about all this time. Damn!

Can I steal this explanation?

Just call these fuckers by their corporate sponsors. Rick Perry is the Department of Oops. The Treasury Department will be ran by Secretary Goldman Sachs, and the State Department is headed by Secretary Exxon-Mobil. Don’t even pretend the intermediary Donald is nominating is going to be his own man. Attorney General

Do you know how hard it is to spend a third of your life in an environment that hostile? I wouldn’t call it short sightedness, I’d call it exhaustion. I have a friend who works at planned parenthood and that was tiring even under the Obama administration.

I am waiting on this for it all to sink in for this group of supporters.

It wouldn’t surprise me at all if it turns out he is dyslexic and either he or his father were too vain/pig-headed to get help for it when he was younger.

“Making deals,” to choose secretary of state... jesus.

There is no damn dignity in not being able to feed your family or take them to doctor for a cold (before the damn thing turns into pneumonia). We are all in this shit storm together. The sooner they (poor whites) realize that, the better they will be. If they want to continue to let their prejudices harm their lives,

Black people want the same thing as white people: equality of opportunity. They want safe neighborhoods, good schools, and good jobs. Democrats can talk about and actively fight systemic racism AND be interested in helping the white working class.

Where the hell are Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden the Obamas?! This article makes it seem like the Democratic Party is dead in Louisiana, but they have a Democratic governor! It is absolutely insane to me that Democrats are barely lifting a finger to win this race.

But I would hand-carve wooden stakes, and entrench them all around my house like a Medieval village to keep Trump out.

You sure as hell nailed it*.

It’s always disconcerting when the chickens realized they voted for Colonel Sanders.

I loved that he added that robots always upsell! As someone who has worked in fast food this really grinds my gears. Is it not enough that I’m sacrificing my dignity and pores for greasy garbage and in addition, I’m shamed into not offering customers the option for small; HAVE YOU NO DECENCY?!

I’m afraid to even call my rep & the 2 C’s because there are So Many Thingsthat are infuriating right now that I’m afraid I will just sputter incoherently.

I’m in Texas and am willing to yell at my rep & stupid Cruz & Cornyn but will that even register on anyone’s radar? I feel so very powerless.

In my state of Texas, she got 43% which isn’t bad considering we got no ads or visits or anything AND this was Ted Cruz country (yeah I know). The local dems did what they could. This is something that can be built up to make a real difference.

Whereas my mom (who grew up in the ghetto) said “beat the shit out of them. Even if you lose, they won’t come back at you again”.