Sorry, I’m going off memory here (which is usually pretty solid in my case), but i got my information from interviews of Majel Barrett (Roddenberry’s widow) concerning Andromeda, published around October 2000.
If i recall, I’ve seen some of the interviews either linked as sources on Memory Alpha (the big Star Trek wiki

Which part and towards whom? Because if you think the script writers for Hannibal are gonna mind one comment in one comment section calling their story flat, while simultaneously praising their portrayal of something near impossible to portrait, you’re either overestimating the power of random comments or

Somebody missed the point, it seems. Andromeda was written by Gene Roddenberry, not as a fun side project, but an exploration of how the Star Trek universe would end up in a more realistic setting, with nobody just dropping in to help humanity (Star Trek’s Vulcans), humanity being utterly decimated and degraded into

I’m Danish and therefore willing to cut Hannibal a lot of slack, simply because they hired a Dane to be the villain (we get so few villain, despite our flat and borderline robotic English accent being perfect for a villain)... And that series sucked so hard i could hardly finish season 1.

In 10000 years, archaeologists will discover Madison Square Garden and excitedly announce they’ve found an ancient temple, used in the worship of a previously unknown geometry deity. Which of course explains the temple grounds known as the National Mall and its vitally important religious geometric sundial known as

“Civilization” isn’t something we can accurate narrow down, as it’s a term for a highly advance culture in comparison to to surrounding cultures, which means that civilization has risen and fallen thousands of times, often in isolation and without input from other civilizations.

If DC is reading this comment section, listen to these words: Hire this guy, right the fuck NOW!

How in the world are you going to make your own?

Argh, you beat me to it. ^_^

I had the same reaction to the Big Ben clock tower! I get to London, get to the Palace of Westminster and look up... And i literally move my eyes so quick, i skip over the top of the tower and have to lower them.

Wait, that shit got a second season!? It was flat, uninspired, slow and cliche, and that’s not counting the stilted acting.
Has America really become so Christian, that the including of angels automatically makes it “good”?

Dude... A van totally needs a more classy name, like “Jessica Van Dame” or “Vanastasia, Queen of the Dead”. Show some respect for your wheels, man!

Had they included it in the final cut, he’d be much more interesting and have significantly more depth. ^_^

Well, blame Josh Whedon for that. The clues are scattered and hinted at, but likely got so damn obscure because more explosions were needed... At least Michael Bay did got to touch it!

Someone clearly hasn’t seen the deleted scene where Ronan accepts the invitation to a dance-off! ^_^

Actually, i think most just didn’t get the point of Ultron and why he’s such a danger... He’s an infant, stuffed into a grown up body, forced to be a weapon in a war he doesn’t get, and he’s resentful of that.
In many ways he’s Frankenstein’s Monster, except Frankenstein’s Monster chose to leave after he rejected the

One thing i don’t get, is that if we as a species is trying to move away from the archaic nation of race, why is this such a problem. I mean, she (likely) lied and that’s definitely wrong, but she lied about being a color nobody is (no human is actually black or white), she undoubtedly did more than just having a skin

I’m kinda in the other camp... I mean, i love a good cry, I’m man enough to stand by my tears, and i often get that sinking feeling and eye watering that precede tears, but i cry every 2 or 3 years no matter how much i force it (well, except if i poke myself in the eye or pepper spray myself, but that doesn’t count).

My pleasure. ^_^

Hypothetically: As long the person’s brain would live attach to it’s original body. But there’s a host of complications that’ll need to be solved, just to exceed the first few minutes.