My pleasure. ^_^

1. Yes, they all wore armor into battle, unless the given person was a Berserkr.
The standard body armor was thick leather (sometimes with mail on top) and loose clothing, likely using the loose clothing to give the impression of wearing no armor.
Then there’s the wooden shield, which was designed for easy and quick

Formless-One got 2 things slightly wrong: The swords were called Ulfberht and the name forged into it was a unique feature seen nowhere else in Nordic weaponry tradition.

I don’t plan to take it any further, but if I did I could go in the same direction as SCP, by using a combination of debriefs, conversation transcripts, field reports, project/experiment proposals and logs, memo’s, journalistic articles, and/or personal correspondence, all with seemingly purposeful redactions,

Thank you. ^_^
I actually rewrote my first version, as it devolved from a scientific log into a story too quickly, which is something i wanted to save for the end musing about the implications.

I’ve got the central internet hub on the line, and they informed me that it’s been approved. In about an hour, the internet will be shut down and everything but that comment deleted.

Scientific survey team, Dr. Nadja Olsen - 01:18 AM, June 6th, 12 Post Apocalypsi.
Personal Observation #44:

Uh, i love that idea. Only addition i have, is to hire a Scotsman for the “Engineering bay”, so the response will become the classical “I’m givin’ it all she’ got, Captain!” in a nice Scottish accent. ^_^

No, when it comes to practicing one’s captain voice, there are 2 kinda people in this world: Those who do it and those who lie about not doing it. ^_^

And the “Omega Directive” details how all employees must wear Star Fleet uniforms if/when any Star Trek actor comes to visit.

If i owned that building, i would never get anything productive done... EVER!
The entirety of my day would be spend monologuing my captain’s log (after weeks of perfecting my distinctive captain’s voice), inventing a specialized spellchecking software that automatically converts all my emails into elaborate plot

This is all pretty much as horrifying as i expected, since Martin seems overly fond of sexual shock value and since books can obviously be packed with a helluva lot more details than even the densest pack TV series (in my experience, from what IMDb tells me is 2000+ movies, whole TV series and documentaries that I’ve

This highlights something that always creeps the living shit out of me: The more fundamental/extreme a given person’s religious beliefs are, the more they think their god(s) literally prevent sin, which they follow up with analogies suggesting they’d be rapist psychopaths with a hankering for children and nuclear war,

Ever since they announced him as the guy playing Johnny Storm, I’ve been skeptical of how well it’ll work. I don’t care about the movie staying true to the comics (as long as they aren’t dumbing it down) and i have no reason to doubt he’s a good actor, but when 2 actors of wildly different physical appearance (skin

Nope... Despite the uninspired scenes here and there (all movie contain some of those, so it’s o be expected), it not only managed to reintroduce the public to what made the first movie great (unknown alien predator, that constantly surprises the audience, while stalking prey with frightening single mindedness and

You’ve missed the point that most of the ingredients found, were in fact only found in isolated cases. That’s why there’s no recipe or approximation of a recipe, because every time someone tried to find out what was in it or confirm other’s results, they often found something new or an ingredient that hadn’t been

Argh, duck f*cking fiddle sticks, this is one i can’t compete in... I’ve met famous singers, actors and royalty, and every time it has at the very least been uneventful.

What makes a woman beautiful and attractive on the outside, is a comfort in her own skin, an inquisitive and rational mind, and an indomitable spirit. Everything else is just different colors of sprinkles, on an already awesome cake. ^_^

DON’T effing move! That thing hasn’t looked away for even a second, making me think this is a stare down... So the first to break eye contact forfeits his/hers life, which in this case means it dive-bombing your bomb shelter asteroid style!

Yes, but they’re all-natural, kosher, non-fat and gluten free chemical-ish molecules.