First, i wanna stress that I’m not calling the AA dysfunctional nor calling their results bad. It is, by far, superior to many alternatives like acupuncture or willpower.

Various studies on Ibogaine have been conducted over the years, on everything from alcohol-, heroine- and cocaine-, to nicotine-, caffeine- and sugar addiction, finding success rates between 90-99%, which is why i chose to use a middle-of-the-road figure of 95% (some doctors doing illegal Ibogaine treatments cite an

Well, then we’re pretty much talking about the same thing. ^_^

Check your faucet. It dispenses a clear liquid placebo capable of treating many thing, while at the same time having at non-placebo effect preventing actual death when ingested regularly.

I don’t comment unless I’ve read it all and my comment was concerning the “gold bichloride” shots.

Both undoubtedly help in the treatment of alcoholism, but since Acamprosate treat withdrawal symptoms and Naltroxone prevents relapse, they’re more of a tool to help treatment than a cure. But i should have mentioned them as such, nevertheless. ^_^

*cough* Placebo. *cough*

Looks like he got a thesaurus for his birthday and in a moment of blood rushing out of his brain, decided not to let said gift go to waste.

I believe someone just accidentally invented Laconic Sexting. ^_^

Love that last pic! By itself, it is well worth a thousand clicks on that little “like” star, but since that’ll only result in a single star in the end, I’ll have to settle for 1. ^_^

Was this from you or the other person? Because the person on the other end might just be offering to literally take out the trash, before initiating coitus.

On behalf of all men in the universe, that aren’t that guy, I am sorry you had to run into one of the special members of my gender, who hasn’t realized that isolated body parts aren’t individuals with a separate sex drive. Hopefully, somewhere down the line, his particularly shallow end of the gene pool wont be passed

As someone who’s never actually heard someone using nerdy sexy talk (the request “Talk nerdy to me!” is always followed by the given lady mentioning random facts or simply listing off scientific terms), i do believe you’ve just hit the bullseye. Not that reading your words excited/aroused me (since none of it is

The idiocy of these people is astounding, but there’s something I’ve never fully understood about this type of operation: Don’t they realize that by force-feeding their belief, through lies of omission and negative framing, they’re actively hastening their own demise by creating people who’ll one day become starkly

Well, we have that second version here in Europe (the home use version), and it currently works as a very good deterrent... But it’s also starting to lose effect, since criminals have discovered that they just need cleaning chemicals, patient scrubbing and a black light to remove it all. So it really only works when

Michael Bay really spoiled the shit out of Optimus, didn’t he? Now he thinks photobombing-style surprise cameo appearances in everyone life, is his right as an A-list celebretron. Had there been audio on this, i bet he narrated the epic Human v. Spider Stand-off of 2015, as if he played a vital role in it, helped out

Look up the diagnosis “maternal narcissism”, because your wife’s mom sounds like a textbook example. Which means (if correct, of course) that your wife is the very factor unknowingly causing her symptoms, and that your wife’s mom’s sole method of treatment is either years of professional psychiatric help or for your

Thank you, though honestly it felt incredibly liberating, freeing and warranted to shed someone who’s only ever shown me what “hate”, “fear”, “baseless prosecution” and “violence” means. I get that’s a hard thing to understand even from an intellectual standpoint, so i sometimes use the C. K. Chesterton quote about

Same reaction here. I’ve assumed they’d either closed down due to low traffic or running on a skeleton crew weeks away from depleting past ad revenue. Not to mention that they wouldn’t even be a lazy edge-of-the-screen ping on the radar screen of any copyright enforcement groups, given that any informed person in

Such a list should include no items, as the problem lies in science fiction’s presentation, explanation (including techno-babble) and framing of a specific technology and/or scientific advancement. More often than not, science fiction ventures into the territory of “trust us, this just works” half-assed explanations,