Impressive and detailed article, but you forgot 2 important things about the dragons.

Actually, i completely get where he’s coming from, as a single sentences can spoil everything for me as well. Not that most stories can be accurately boiled down to a single sentence or even 50 sentences, but since plot elements, story structure and tropes are always the same across the majority of media, and since

Well, if i can offer any recommendation in return, it's Trello. It's got tools and features, that allow one to make any kinda list one wants, including things that are work related (list can be shared and whatnot), shopping lists and pretty much everything.
I used to use Evernote for lists, but it pales in comparison

Okay. And thanks for the recommendations, they've been added to me Trello list.

Thank you. ^_^

No, i meant that while i have yet to read the books (i have a huge backlog of books on my shelves), I've read articles on Martin's style and have friends who've read the book, all of whom agree that his particular style downplays the magic and monsters. Hence me referring to opinions on him from before the release of

Decided to have some fun with this, to cheer up a shitty situation... Enjoy! ^_^

Argh, dammit! I haven't read the book, but since I've seen the TV series i wrongly thought spoilers would be unlikely... And boy was i wrong.

Well, i just finished writing my lengthy comment, so i hope you’ll excuse me for keeping this one short. ^_^
2 hours of carefully checking everything (your theory, as well as my reply), writing it up proper and skimming through lore... I was actually suppose to see a movie, but given that this is much more stimulating,

I’m a little confused as to how i inspired you, but I’m glad to have been helpful either way. ^_^
Muses are so damn elusive, so forcing one from hiding is always a good thing... Mine is a sneaky ninja bitch, who strikes me at the most inopportune moments and rarely with something feasible.

Sorry for taking this long to reply... You just moved the conversation into territory I’m unfamiliar with, so i had to do some research so i could follow along. I friggin’ love when that happens, as it just explodes one’s world view into a much grander and increasingly more awe-inspiring perspective. ^_^

While i understand and agree with your reservations, you're forgetting 2 hugely important factors...

Actually, this could solve a handful of ethical dilemmas related to zoos.

Wait, is that the best we can do!?

While the history is fascinating, especially since it underlines how experimental medicine really is, the vast majority of drugs in use, were designed for something other than what they were ultimately used for.

DD-WRT killed 3 brand new routers of mine in under 6 months, despite downclocking, downgrading and hundreds of hours of debugging, forum searching (the forum isn’t exactly active, so posting rarely result in solutions) and reading through provided materials.

I'd go with a spear as well, since you can phalanx with it and some shield, getting pretty damn effective against an undead horde.

Same way i felt when i first read about Josef Mengele (hands down, the worst singular person to ever have lived): Sad and kicking myself for being curious about him.
I'm even glad he wasn't part of my early school curriculum, since a younger me would probably have lost faith in humanity... Instead, older me just lost a

Unholy shit, that picture of the orphan made me angry as fuck. As someone who's suffered child abuse, i cannot take it when children are abused in any way, shape or form... It just pisses me off!