Soul mates is a non-canonical concept from Greek mythology, invented by Plato as an theological proof for monogamy.

Yeah, this sounds like bullshit to me. Not that synestheses can't see things others can't, but some anonymous university just help him develop a magical filter, for people who have mythical brains and his evidence is an image?

Can't say I'm surprised, but I am very disappointed.

I believe someone just earned themself the position of Chief Research and Developer! ^_^

But that's the point... Luthor is always the mirror image of Superman, existing purely to oppose whatever Superman may be.
So when Superman is a good guy, Luthor wont be. and vise versa.

Drunk with POWER! *accidentally drop whiskey bottle labeled "Power"*

You're looking at the act, instead of wondering about motive. He might have needed them for an awesome office party, the cakes might have been accidentally sent to someone with diabetes or he's just a huge asshole... Who know!? ^_^

Good Guy Lex Luthor would be easy... He created an huge company, created thousands of new patents, he's capable of releasing his products cheap enough to out-compete competitors and collect alien technology so others can't abuse it, all while amassing a huge arsenal and formulating tactics to stop an alien being from

Anything more intrusive than a soundless non-vibrating notification would be a deal-breaker, unless the intrusions happens solely while I'm playing the game. I don't even like notifications from the stuff on my own phone (texts, calls, calendar and such excluded, of course), so random shit from a game not even

Well, now i just feel silly, telling an officer what chalk fairies are and all. ^_^

Now now, io9 is just catching up and we can't expect them to have reach post-1920's tech yet. ^_^

I have some bad news for you... Chalk outlines only exist in movies and TV series.

I'm with Kate Dries on this, as the best i can do, is a meltdown i had around age 5-6, where i had one of my toys confiscated, because i refused to tidy up my room. And it's not that I'm cold, emotionless or hold myself back, i just haven't had any reason or cause for a full meltdown.

Just get GLADoS to run the whole thing. If she can't solve the issue, the complainant will never be heard from again. ^_^

Oh, I adhere fully to physics. After all, it's the law. ^_^


I like the way you think. You see gallons of blood-like liquid, oozing from unknown insides of a huge glazier and go "what the fuck is that tent doing there?". ^_^

I need to find all their products and memorize the numbers , so I can start referring to all my food by numbers!

Nah, it's way too nice to accidentally do that. ^_^