A neutron star is probably the second most inhospitable place for life, with singularity being number 1. It's immense gravity and complete lack of natural resources, makes it literally impossible for evolution to start anything there.

I don't know if it's the false-color image or the size of the flare, but that looks like it's a screenshot from a movie about evil stars, who fucks up planets and/or eats them.

To have the same gravity, it'd need the same mass, which means this Earth would need to be hollow and only have half an inch of solid matter before you'd hit this empty interior.

Without the science, the answer would be: The same, expect more surface area.

... And that star is about to annihilate it!

This is very likely the best article I've ever read on Kotaku. It's insanely well-balanced, show more professionalism than the majority would even exhibit a 10th of, and the depth is staggering.
Honestly, I've seen Pulitzer winning pieces that sucked compared to this.

That sounds a little conspiracy-ish, but I'd love a link. ^_^

You have to get used to it, because all fan-bases have elitists. Tween Twilight girls literally get into huge fistfights over who the main character should end up with, Trekkies will go ALL CAPS nerd-rage over which captain was the best, and I've even seen gamers declare others as "uber noob" over which console they

I honestly don't think X-Men: Last Stand was that bad... Hell, it's not even close to the epic fails that were Wolverine's stand-alone movies in the franchise (first was an anachronistic fail of incredible proportions and the second was just ticket bait).

Mustache is kinda covered in my "maybe a beard", given that it's a beard style. ^_^

All of these are either over- or underdone, by making it all look like disconnected steampunk items placed in a modern home. To do it right, they need to make the home look like a period accurate Victorian-era home, with just a handful of anachronistic items here and there.

If he adds on a pair of slightly over-sized goggles and maybe a beard, i smell a life-time achievement award... ^_^

Example number 1, 2, and 3 looks exactly like you'd imagine an inventor of those things to look like: Slightly mad, fairly eccentric and with a full-on "nay a single fuck shall be given here, good sir!" kinda attitude. ^_^

Count me in. ^_^

Given the vastness of time and unknown conditions of space, couldn't it just be a case of shitty luck, wherein life on our planet and in our corner of the universe, arose in a "dead" period. There could have been a massive war, a freak natural event or something else, which wiped out a huge amount of life and sorta

Good point, though i doubt ITER would be enough to power Replicators. After all, the Replicators of Star Trek are using elementary particles, to instantly reproduce a large object. And while it uses a data file that's basically what .jpg is to .bmp, when compared to what a Transporter uses, we'd still be looking at

Very interesting! I honestly thought suppressors would be a continuous spiral on the inside, with the deep groves filled by a sound absorbing non-flammable mesh, but this is probably a far better solution than what I've envisioned.

I find Minbar12's argument against replicators a little lacking.

But... That's no moon...

Hammerspace beat-down in 3... 2... 1...