If only the female could lay down a face melting guitar solo in response, humanity as a species would have no more awesomes to give this world. We could just lean back and let nature take it from here. ^_^

This needs to at least become a metalstep song, as those throttle noise needs to be accompanied by some serious guitar riffs.

I unfortunately suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder when the winter hits and I'm usually able to curb it with some Saint John's Wort. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those "nature cures all" new age nut-cases, but the mild mood stabilizing effect of Saint John's Wort does seem to do the job.

I wasn't actually inferring that your statement was talking about sterilizing children, though you still seemed to be talking about sterilizing those who've been abused.

The War on Drugs isn't just a money-making racket for a tiny minority, it's a huge black hole sucking up trillions of dollars each year and making international criminals into billionaires. And how this can be continually ignored by people baffles me, especially in America, where the few years of prohibition nearly

It's an analogy, not a comparison. He's saying that in his Alien/Prometheus universe, the Xenomoprh is what dragons are to Tolkien's universe: Big bad ultimate enemies, where it's better to just get the fuck away, than to stand and fight.

Well, that's a completely different argument for a completely different topic, having nothing to do with genetics. Which makes it even worse, as you're talking about punishing people for being abused, taking away any reason they'd have to improve themselves (to prevent passing on a negative upbringing) and make the

It's a interesting angle Sam Harris uses, isn't it? It's one of those "well, of course" angles that nobody really considered in its full until someone mentions it, as well as an angle that makes it much easier to explain things to non-psychonauts.

I was just using the Ayahuasca as an example, really. The vast majority taking it don't have a choice on whether or not to purge, some hold it down and a tiny amount just don't throw up, and I'm just rarely a vomiter (I've thrown up 7 times in my life, 6 of which was illness, so i just don't ever throw up). ^_^

I too think sterilization can/could solve some problems and weed out universally bad genes. But none of the things you list have a mutation(s) related to them, genes are rarely as simple as this (since they have multiple functions depending on multiple factors) and until the point at which we have a definitive test,

That seems a little wasteful, since science is kinda running out of names. We already have charm and strange (despite being neither charming nor strange), color (despite the particles not having a visible color), spin (despite not really spinning) and so on, so double naming anything only means we'll run out quicker.

Awesome. ^_^

Now playing

Everyone do react slightly different to psychedelics (I've never vomited even with Ayahuasca, so I'm not a representation of the average), so someone should always find the substance that fits them the best.

Yes, if he can find pure medical grade LSA (which i doubt) or try to reach a LSD level dosage. But get some perfectly natural and fresh baby woodrose seeds [steps removed by myself to prevent idiots from being idiots] and you've got a nice mild trip for 12 hours, with absolutely no side-effects.

First off, hallucinogens should not be taken for "fun" or things of that sort, as they amplify emotions beforehand and don't add them. So if you feel unsafe you'll get paranoid, if you're already happy you'll be over the moon and so on.
It's also not a "party" drug, since the best atmosphere to do them is one of safety

Foolish humans, this owl is not bling! He sees the universe in all it wonder and splendor, making it kinda hard to spot that one porch, on that one rock, around that one star, in that one galaxy amidst infinity!

No need to tell me of synesthesia, since I've already got that. ^_^

We have the technology! We can remake us. ^_^

You didn't read the article, did you? ^_^

I love this and how it joins into the slowly ongoing change of "disabled" into "upgrade slot available".