It feels a bit rose-tinted to me... Granted, the west did grossly abuse and wreck Africa, but so did the Middle-East, Asia and greedy Africans.

The plates are thick high-grade aluminum, have very few contaminants to ensure perfect radio-blocking and a scratch resistant powder coating. For all that and a delightfully minimalistic design, i personally thought the price was well worth it. ^_^
Of course, you could just buy a cheap radio-blocking wallet for 90

I don't have loose change nor wish to, so that's not a problem for me. I amass maybe 1 coin every 2 months and i get rid of it as quick as possible.

HuMn 2.

I'm gonna be the poorest, driest SOB ever to leave a bathroom. ^_^

First off, I'd like to point out that my intention was not to diminish his experience or beliefs, but merely to politely decline joining in. I get that it's special and amazing to him, and i hope he'll never loose that sense of awe, but i just don't feel the same, which just like his conviction should be respected,

There's no need to preach to me, as i don't share in your beliefs. I don't mind you having them nor you proclaiming your beliefs, but in my ears it carries no special meaning or weight.

I don't see why this should be taken any less serious than any canon or non-canon gospel. They're all written long after the events, by persons unknown who may or may not have witnessed the event, aren't supported my much else than themselves and describe a holy figure possibly based on a real person who got blown out

Worst thing about this (besides the obvious), is the possibility that there are probably thousands of "vore" fetishists out there on the edge of their seat, when this insanity is gonna air.

Here, I'll translate for you. ^_^

A better name for that movie:

Here mine it, the sum of all our fears and sleepless nights (and yes, i just made that using what Verge gave me)! ^_^

First step in a cure for stupidity. ^_^

Oh sweet hippie Odin, this is a good nerdgasm inducing list. ^_^ It just has tonnes of things I've tried telling people for years, which were brushed off as me not knowing what i was talking about... I need to print this shit out, post haste!

Anyone else noticed that the second morphed image pretty much shows that facial features have become more feminine and neotenic?

From here on out, I'll exclusive refer to P.E Pinkman as The Steadfast Tin Soldier. I'm sorry if nobody likes that, but the parallels to H.C Anderson's fairytale of the same name, are just a little too strong. ^_^

Easier said than done, I'm afraid.

Auto-correct on my phone... And Neanderthal wine, which is like a swift fruity fresh kick to the face. ^_^

That's me you guys and I'm so sorry about this. I'm still figuring out the breaking system on my new TARDIS mark 41, and thus far it just spins in very large circles and the gravity matrix pulls in rocks.

Link please! NOW! I have plenty of pocket change and this deserves a paycheck. ^_^