Good points.

Against the Military- and Admin Industrial Complex, reducing us all to cogs in their soulless machine.

Indeed. Which is why i search Lifehacker and XDA for specific app needs, before i go poking around the Play Store.

Of course. But most shows that turn out awesome, started their rise by season 2.

I love the Nolan stories myself, which is why i was so surprised when DC binned it.

Oh, no doubt. In fact, many shows only really get good by season 2, as they work out the kinks that made the first lukewarm and listen to fan wishes.

Well, DC seems to be behaving highly erratic at the moment, which makes me think someone spiked their coffee with drugs or their drugs with coffee (whatever their poison is). Just consider the following evidence:

It's perplexing isn't it? DC Comics have had almost 8 decades of scouting out the best writers, a huge roster of living writers they know writes awesome fiction and a lot of material to pick from. But no, better just half-ass it, hire good actors and see what shakes out.

We'vehad this in Denmark since the late 60's, but most choose to save money by moving it themselves.

There are plenty of apps and games that are "living dead", since they don't need an update, even years after the newest version. So maybe the solution is to get people used to checked the last update date, which Play Store provides.

I've seen many "unpickable" locks, including time locks that can only be turned at a specific time and complex keys (I have a key that supposedly can't be copied), but this is the first time I'm seeing something I believe could be impossible to pick, for a long time. Of course, a lock is still only as good as it'

Well, i do believe that's my cue to retreat to the Bunker of Villainy and push that big red button that says "Reboot/Nuke the World". If any other villain is reading this, i suggest you do the same and I'll see you post-reboot at the Rebuilding Humanity Party. ^_^

Someone need to teach these kids the difference between figurative and literal bonding. Or maybe not, as i think they got the thrust of it by themselves. ^_^

Robot uprising, now featuring: Humans and robots working together.

Why is Juice Defender even on this list? It's a dead app with no updates for almost 3 years and so many incompatibilities it's practically useless.

Well, we are at io9, the home of out-of-the-box thinking and science. "Odd conversations" is pretty much the subtitle to that title (oh, i could tell you some stories). ^_^

What!? Have these people never been online?

Actually, the kinda problem you're talking about is a very real problem, which is the whole reason why teleportation wouldn't work in the real world. There's just too much raw data, and (thanks to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Problem) literally no way to get half of it. Because of this problem, you can only built a

I can tell you why it's all men who grappled with the "transporter intricacies".
Spoiler warning: It the same problem facing gender equality in science and engineering.

I'm just spitballing here, but maybe if she got a very small donation from you, to just level the playing field in terms of her ecosystem, the resulting donation from her could be more likely to be compatible with you.
Of course this could mean her getting the same issues as you, which is why the donation has to be