My pick as well. Not only has he no qualms with killing, he's probably the most "realistic" hero in Marvel's roster. He has training, motivation and ingenuity of a human from the real world, though in the real world he'd likely be labeled a terrorist instead of just being a vigilante.

It's a bit of a stretched to say it's not actually mapped nor understood, as the ecosystem in our gut is the best known symbiotic ecosystem to science. There is of course a hell of a lot more to understand and map (individual people's ecosystems, diet's full effect on the ecosystems, bacteria's

Woah, hold your horses there... Why was there tremolite in the fingerprint dust? It's not like tremolite just lies around everywhere, it's well known to be toxic to even work with and it has a color range of white to deep green, which in my book would make it a highly perplexing additive for a mass-produced black

Speaking from a technical standpoint, gut bacteria is pretty much the same for healthy people in a given area. There can be some variations depending on diet and whatnot, but anyone who've grown up where you grew up and whom has a proper diet, should be as good a match as a family member.

Hi everyone, I'm Henrik. A Danish philomath with near-eidetic memory and an autodidact graphic designer working freelance.

I could just kiss you right now, you Goddess you. ^_^ I friggin' hope a rainbow bursts through your window and high five's you in the most epic manner possible, 'cus you just made my day... Nay, my month!

I think we might all need time to get used to the thought, but until then I'm fully with you here. I wouldn't be able to look any woman in the eye after eating her shit, much less continue a healthy adult relationship with her.

That's blasphemy and you know it!

Trust me, i know about ebook. ^_^ I think i have just about every major work of fiction in .epub format from Project Gutenberg, just in case my internet cuts out for a few hours or the world ends (I don't think it will end, but if it does my computer will have a lot of books for future humans).
I also have a

I wish I could press that "like" star more than once, because you just took "serious nightmare" and made it a "permanently traumatic nightmare".

I consider myself both open- and science minded, I actually think fecal transplants are brilliant, and I've never been screamish around things most would consider disgusting (I've unclogged a toilet with my bare hands and day old liquefied shit up to my elbow).

Amen sister.

Here's my hope/prediction of the future of books...

Yeah, I'm surprised as well. I mean, DC Comics has 60+ years of experience finding the best writers possible and hundreds they've hired in the past who've showed real skills, and yet it seems like they threw that out the window when putting together a team for Gotham.
Are you kidding me DC!? You probably have writers

Obviously the first script was beyond horrible (Turtles from Dimension X!? BLASPHEMY!), but the art was good.

Wow, these basalt columns looks like the remains of a ancient fossilized city, like some kinda post-apocalyptic archaeological discovery thousands of years from now. I can even picture the headline

Oh yes, this is an absolute must. You just know it'll be grossly misused, with pics starting to pop up within seconds of landing, showing astronauts peeing their name in the loose soil of mars, doing the ultimate crotch selfie, or things like being the first to teabag another world.

And for the forth mission, they've bought up a lot of asteroid mining robots and send them to Mars. Then 50 astronauts is landed on the surface with enough oxygen between them for 1,5 trips to the "Face of Mars" mountain and 10 brass knuckles constructed to easily shatter visor glass.

And i already know how to pitch the second mission...

Did they remember to factor in humans bat-shit insane need to be first? Because I'm betting the volunteer numbers wouldn't drop that much, if they said it was suicide mission with only 15 minutes of air once they'd landed. Hell, some might even be fine with holding their breathe, as long as they can be first.