
Not to mention that you’re FAR more likely with thin sidewalls to damage your expensive wheels/tires if you live somewhere that has pothole season.

<laughs in 15">

On top of all that, I’m sure the ride on those rubber bands kind of sucked.

More expensive and less efficient... not going to happen.. especially in climates that get get snow.

Exactly the same as trams in cities. Shouldn’t be a problem.

This method is a lot more expensive. The overhead wire method is tested and proven over decades. Many european cities have trolleybus systems which work exactly like this and it’s also how electric trains work. 

I can’t wait for the following item:

Hah, brilliant. They can take their guns with them, to protect them from home invasions and a tyrannical government. 

That’s not true. A good example is Germany: During the last turn of the century Germany had no gun laws and victims of shootings were very common, police even recorded meetings of rival groups pf young men, meeting up just to “shoot it out”. Laws came into effect that forbade gun ownership and buy-back or impoundment

Who pulls “gun education” out of their ass as the solution?

Well, having several armed guards certainly didn’t fucking help either. Which puts a damper on conservative’s moronic go-to solution for these incidents: arm everybody to the teeth and we’ll be much safer.

Every other developed nation manages to avoid this problem, and yet somehow, it’s just too hard for us to solve!

I have yet to write my Big Take on what I think F1 should do, but, yeah.  Scrapping DRS in this framework won't work because the framework itself doesn't work

After five years of a 1/2 mile walk in which I had to cross a busy street with lights and crosswalks from my train station to my office in Arlington, VA, I never came close to being run over by a car. I lost count of how many cyclists nearly ran me over in the crosswalk when blasting through red lights. I actually did

I go out of my way when I cycle to obey all the rules. Shit like this drives me nuts because it gives everyone a bad name.  I honked at a couple cyclists for running a redlight once, and they looked at me like I had three heads.  I know it sucks to downshift through 10 gears only to start over, but plan your route

Oh cock, keep it stock.

Of course the officer failed to mention that the weed he smelled was from his drop stash. 

Would be easier to avoid them if they’d signal...

I’m okay with sex in F1