
They have wings, let them fly away

I hope you don’t mind if I dress casual.  I only wear suits for weddings and funerals.

Normally I’d just offer Walmart Supertech, but FOR YOU, I’ll dust off a bottle of my finest Shell Rotella.

Or, if you’re looking to clear your system a bit, here’s a shot of Marvel Mystery Oil.

Would you like something to drink?

I do!

It’s just that all of my guests are engine blocks.

“Care for a cylinder head?” (right arm shaking as I hold a cylinder head on a silver platter in front of my company)

I did place my left hand on that service manual when I took the oath. 

If your DJ wants to die, it’ll set itself on fire, like mine did. Until then, you are bound by the Jeepalopnik Oath to restore this vehicle.

Very informative thanks for contributing! 

Thank you.... much appreciated ... Please post again.

I know T. Jon ( we worked at the same company for a short time) so I’m not going to argue with him, especially since his explanation is accurate. But there is another reason.

As much as I like Torch’s quirky articles, David Tracy’s rust chronicles, and all the other Jalop goodness, Elizabeth, your series on female drivers gets my vote for Series of the Year.

A watch has never made me feel alive. 

Japanese authorities have suggested he be forced to remain in his position with Mitsubishi as punishment.

Carlos GONE

I always find it refreshing when Jalopnik reports on their momentary lapse in good judgement. Be in sliding a Fiat 124 into a pole or getting a press car towed, it nice to see people admitting to their mistakes and that they too are in fact human.

Can’t wait to hear what the 130 decibel exhaust sounds like.

Seriously, Ricciardo is one of the most likeable drivers and is genuinely nice to everyone on the grid. And say what you want about Lewis but he’s a great ambassador for the sport.

the shyte don’t fall too far from the arse

If you know anything about the antics of Senior here, you’d stop dead in your tracks inferring they are both dicks.

I bet you couldn’t even get this guy to admit that he likes crepes.