
Solid pile of bullshit right there. If I didn’t know anything about science, I might have been tricked into thinking you did.

that’s just bumper fluid leaking out down to the level of the crack

the headline we were hoping for

Apple 2017: “Our notch design is great, we’re proud of it.”

Awe, they are hiding the notch in the renders now?  I am surprised they aren’t fully embracing it and really showcasing it here.

When talking about a mainstream auto manufacturer, efficiency means leveraging the scale of your manufacturing resources. It’s understandable for MB to not want to build a brand new factory for electric cars. That said, couldn’t they have put at least a little frunk in there? The electric drivetrain is still smaller

It is efficient if it lowers the price of the vehi— oh fuck never mind, we’re talking about Mercedes.

I wonder if there armor videos of this happening.

I don’t think so...it’s definitely gunner leave a mark.

On the Autobahn, people actually do that as a form of suicide. They call them Geisterfahrer or “Ghost Drivers,” who intentionally go max speed in the wrong direction to end it for themselves (and random innocent bystanders).

a price tag showing $5.8 million, which doesn’t matter because all 40 are already sold.

I don’t know if I’m disturbed by the video or by the fact that I love the video and felt it deep in my soul

This is Indiana we’re talking about. Lamey got it from Daly, Daly got it from someone else, that guy got it from his son, his son got it from his 7 year old neighbor; you can keep going down the chain until the entire state of Indiana has lost their jobs or has been expelled from school.  

I had a friend that told me you just go and they yield for you as she blew right through one without stopping or yielding. Uh, that’s not how these work!

How’s that? Pedestrians are going to follow the existing route (likely a sidewalk with cross walks over the on ramps). Bicycles follow the lanes just like cars, as it already is.  Pretty much no change for either group.

that we’re going to have to spend years watching Lance drive around instead of, presumably, someone more interesting.

OK, this is just a dumb take. Ignorant. Playing right into their cum-stained hands (self-abuse runs deep among white supremacists. Not cuz they are white, but because they are males with weak social connections, hence chronic fappers).

As great as it is promoting violence, these are people with opinions & most people are able to change over time. How about we have open discussions instead.

That’s what they said about Tom Wheeler and the FCC though, too. He turned out to be ‘one of the good ones.’ So let me have this little bit of hope, ok?

I’ll see your ‘moron’ and raise you a cunt. Pruitt is a cunt.