
Does it also heighten your arousal from sleep?

I think she’s referring to the white car next to the tent. That’s not the car that wrecked.

Good gawd, oh everything was not just perfect for the release of a totally new architecture what a shock. Said no one ever. Get over your butt hurt. Have you even seen the value and performance of the 2700 series Ryzen or checked on the stability of 1800's since their release due continued updates? Whatever dude. Just

Or at least have some originally, instead of “some dude in a race suit and big/bizarre helmet.”

If the United States does it, then it is right because it is done only for the noblest purposes. /s

Anybody who has a problem with this should be IP blocked for eternity.

“We have part of the aircraft missing so we’re going to need to slow down a bit.”

I love how she ends comms with “Have a good day.” and “Thank you for the assistance.” in a calm and cool manner. Like hey I lost a chunk of plane and a passenger so my day is shit. I hope yours is pleasant.

*starts going to Chris’ house*

In the U.S. do they have “residents only” signs for roads? I imagine that could be one option – just really heavy signage, city permits for residents who live on that street, and periodic police checks to ticket non-residents using that road?

If the road is so dangerous why is it open to through traffic? The article even said that a fire truck couldn’t handle it, so why is it still open?

“This is simply an incident that comes as a result of F1 pit stops getting ever quicker.”

That’s phenomenal! I wonder if they’re going to go after the Laguna Seca lap record st Rennsport Reunion 6?

Let me guess... the CEO and other executives still got their bonuses, despite the same “cash crisis.” This shit has to stop.

Seriously? Playing music during your exhaust video?

The article states that it will rely on VW Group’s Level 2 charger installations along highways and in public areas, outside of Porsche dealerships.

Or just suck it up and design their cars to be compatible with [already established] Tesla charging stations.