
Because they don’t know any better. No, seriously.

Well, on the scale of “is it against the rules or not” the answer is obviously that it was. It’s not even a question that he technically exceeded track limits, had all 4 wheels off the marked track.

For reference, this time is 37 seconds faster than the 2010 911 GT2 RS, a full minute quicker than the 2004 911 GT3 RS, and 9 minutes & 14 seconds faster than a Trabant P50.

20? Christ. Even at 25, it’s to late for me to pretty much do anything with my life.

The guy int he video literally says its a hurricane proof building. They have hurricane rated glass down there that can take a 2x4 at 145mph and not shatter.

Yes, but “zero to 100" is usually 0-100 km/h, not mph.

I appreciate Ms. Dagg’s comments; she spoke the truth. It’s sad that a grown women would use “I’m pregnant” after the fact (of her ass-whoppin’) to try to get revenge on someone on the person that “she” attacked first! Ms. Dagg was defending herself, and I don’t believe that she knew the racist person was pregnant (if

That was so many rights that she ended up home twice.

Daaamn! Who’s teaching white women to fight these days? That shit was brutal.

He didn’t fire her. He offered her another position because her current position wasn’t of value. She declined it. It says so right there in the article. Did you read it?

In addition to being comically wrong, I’m also concerned about how short you think “800 feet” is.

Miata illegally passes over a double yellow on blind turns and almost causes a head on collision? Maybe that’s what was wrong with it? I dunno though, I’m just a human being with eyes.

It’s true. I’m tired of dragging out my Kik-Step every time I want to shut my hatch.

This would be my response too if I was his neighbor. As long as I’m living next door to a cray-cray man with a pistol who ain’t afraid to use it in broad daylight, I’m kissing his ass.

Oh Florida.

Ah yes. He’s mad that trucks are parked in front of his property. The logical action is to render them immobile.

Jason in a dog food commercial...... selling out to the big canned meat corporations....

Plus, like, ew cooties