
Does that mean he’s not coming on then?

That’s an art car, not a shitty paintjob.

I wouldn’t limit to age, but more powerful, sportier car should require a special driving license. It doesn’t make sense that the same license that is valid to a Toyota Yaris is valid to a Ferrari 488 or a Porsche Turbo S.

I’m no expert but judging by the thousands of videos online, it seems UPS drivers don’t actually like to walk and prefer just throwing the packages as soon as they can.

That headline makes it sound as though the Feds are laying blame on Tesla (as in, they knew, but didn’t do anything), when in fact they acknowledged that Tesla did some due diligence to avoid/mitigate foreseeable issues. So maybe a bit hyperbolic/clickbaity on the headline there?

Why buy something extra when you already own a turkey fryer?

First and foremost: they need to define what a “whole car” is, that way shady dealers can’t refuse a buyback simply because the fuzzy dice on mirror is missing.

Joe did not strip his car to spite Volkswagen. The point of his “weight savings” measures was to answer the question dozens of TDI owners have been asking on forum after forum: is stripping the cars OK?

Of course the Jeep guy loves driving something with no doors.

Imagine his reaction when he gets to the pearly gates, and finds out it is actually 75 Virginians.

I considered adding a few more “Fuck Volkswagen” comments but I didn’t want to get excessive.

Did you consider the logic involved in posting photos of things they didn’t find?

Ah well, when an employee who’s not an employee is in a driverless car that’s not a driverless car, it’s easy to understand why they might treat a red light like it’s not a red light.

OK.. this is NOT Comcast.. it’s a subcontractor with the comcast logo on the side - jeez.

It helps the car get around that slight left bend at those speeds.

But the Porsche 911 has been in Forza Motorsports 1,2,3,4,5, as well as Forza Horizon 1 and 2. See, here it is in game

<I loved this game since it was the first game I ever recall where the cars had working turn signal indicators!>

I loved this game since it was the first game I ever recall where the cars had working turn signal indicators!

And now let us pay tribute to the only good thing to come out of the EA/Porsche partnership

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. Nico was more than welcome to pass Lewis if he felt he was in danger. Lewis was running more than a second off pace and daring him to try. If Nico was a great driver, who was worthy of the championship he could have gotten around him. But the only reason he didn’t is because he