
I posted to demonstrate my appreciation for enthusiastic and entertaining esports commentators, as the article is focussed on said subject matter. I don't think anyone can argue DOTA is something anyone reading this site is particularly unfamiliar with so that's really not the issue here, is it?

DOTA doesnt do a thing for me but these guys should be contractually obligated to cover every gaming event, everywhere, ever.

The funny thing about common sense is that it's anything but common. It's usually considered in legalese 'what a reasonable person can have an expectation of' but these days that's just a way of saying 'we didn't proofread our marketing/contracts very well and now we're trying not to get sued'. I hate litigiousness

Check 'em.

Hear, hear.

Firstly, lol

Yeah, you could be right there-it always seems to have a similar tone anyways. I think it comes from the sort of things ppl say to justify why they rule something out on grounds of personal taste/the social norms applicable to them and it always comes out a bit judgmental if they mean it to or not. Nvm, more (insert

As a proud owner of copious ink, it's always interesting to note that only the inkless have a strong opinion either way about getting them done or if you have them or not. That's not meant argumentatively, just an observation over time. My first looks a bit average as the guy that did the work wasn't terribly good

Got it on the kickstarter and it turned up on retail release day so this is goes a long way to restoring goodwill as it felt as though they got my $ and promptly stopped trying (especially with the whole ship the cheap ones first debacle). It's a nice little emulation box once you add extra storage and FF3/YDKJ have

It's probably editor speak for 'this hasn't been proofread'. These little in-house terms can be found in much of today's internet content. -_-

Did you draw the angry birds short straw this time, Fahey? Seems you've all had to take one for the team and 'report' on this dreck, when will you all start trying to claw back a little professional integrity and stop giving this junk coverage?

Well a thorough and thunderous thankyou. We really are quite dashing and dazzling literary dabblers, Darkxarth, if I do say so myself.

That's some awfully awesome and alluring alliteration there, good sir.

Based on what's happened here, possibly. At the very least it gives them grounds for an arrest until a search proves otherwise but he didn't have any guns so from what we've seen, they'll be around to get you in a few days and you'll probably just rot in a cell while waiting trial.

Well I certainly do likes me some burlesque but perhaps your issue may be one of quality-costumes and stripping does not a burlesque make, as wonderfully demonstrated in the videos above. I quite enjoy the atmosphere at a burlesque show, when done properly it's a fun night in general (I also highly recommend the Star

Yeah looks like they went back to that particular well quite a few times.

Pretty much what I was thinkin once I'd read them-looks like someone in that dept couldnt quite let go of AIO (All In One) or IS1 (Interactive System In One) and when the xbone came up he started shouting it at the back of the room until someone said 'Oh ffs, just let little Kevin have this one so he'll shut up and go

Plus, they look funky.