
I say pick one effing time and stick to it. I freakin' hate Hate HATE having to switch from one to the other. I swear, it takes me a month each time to actually get myself accustomed to the new time. So that's two months of low productivity and tiredness for me.

Crazy. I could handle unlimited streaming + 1 DVD which is what I just changed my plan to, BUT with integration of my streaming/DVD queue. I don't see any advantage in the company breaking apart. Most companies bundle for convenience. There is no convenience in what they think they're doing now.

Huh. Colbert is right. Bears are the #1 enemy...

I use TeamViewer, sometimes, but the one I like is androidVNC. Simple, and free.

Darn. I could have used this a few weeks ago when I was cleaning up my music collection.

I'm the same way. There are some sites that now require one to only use the Facebook profile to comment. I refuse to use that. My profile is set to private so I can't be found (Only very close friends and family are there). I refuse to log in and comment with my FB profile. I much prefer to create a username. That

Bummer. Tried to watch it on my phone. Not available on mobiles.

I don't know how many other people do this, but husband and I are notorious for not watching shows until almost the end of a season. We'll DVR an entire season then watch it within a week or maybe on a weekend. We've found we don't like the waiting between episodes. Would rather just knock 'em all out at once. So, in

No way. I can handle a few 30 second commercial breaks on hulu. I won't put up for the 2+ minute commercial breaks every 10 minutes online. If that happens, I'll go elsewhere for my shows. And the content providers may not like where I go.

Newsgroups rock :-D

I just read an article yesterday talking about CTV's. TV's that are internet ready. Some day stations will just have apps that one can download and I'll be able to subscribe to the channel directly instead of going through a cable company. So, consumers will get their a la carte anyway. And the cable companies will

I use this app. Love it. The person who had my phone number before I got it is now in collections so I always get calls looking for her. I've blocked all those collectors so now my phone is nice and silent.

And then, there is Rick Perry....

Not according to the CBS article, he is licensed to carry one, and he also is licensed to carry a concealed handgun (That's according to another article I read yesterday where he was asked if he's carrying during campaigning. He wouldn't say, except to say he's licensed to conceal).

As hot as it is in Texas right now, with no rain in sight, if I leave my pillows outside I'll have the fluffiest pillows in the neighborhood...

yeah, I was looking for that myself. The place I'd use Spotify the most would be at work but we cannot install software on our computers, so I can't use the Spotify program here. Kind of a bummer on that.

I'm getting a message that says that's not a valid spreadsheet link...

Easy. I'll go streaming only. Whatever I can't stream I'll find 'other ways' to watch the stuff I want to watch if it's not available on streaming. I'd rather not do it that way, but Netflix won't be giving me a choice in the matter.

The smell does go away...only to be replaced by the smell of vinegar...

Yes, that may be the idea, but most people are going to buy it for themselves and drink the whole darned thing.