Awesome...totally because ''its there''
Awesome...totally because ''its there''
Co pilot kept her hands well off the stick.
Or to be accurate a 208…
Wrong....its a Caravan..with the luggage pod...
Google stop trying to make ''GLASS'' happen its not going to happen OK?
Schadenfreude this video is full of it.....I liked it..I liked it A LOT.
Hey about you stop pandering to the masses and get to work providing the USA manned space launch equipment STAT or do you want Vladimir Putin to nix that for you?
You want to know whats really neat? I don't use fakebook and I dont play computer games. All of you who do...are funding this purchase. Enjoy your ruined future suckers..I am of out for a Chai Latte'
Because awesome
If we find a journalist or a blogger who supports our community..we support them with CLICKS 72,000 people and growing daily.
I donated because I want to hear the announcer say ''98 Dogecoin is leading the pack into turn 4'' If you don't have are missing out on a lot of fun and a chance to grow something great..(plus make some money)
They got this design so far wrong its ridiculous, it looks like a slab sided van from the side a bloated whale from the rear and squinting lemur from the front. It is without a doubt the worst redesign since the Edsel. Transmission high point is any Jeep with a Selec Trac 4x4 system. Used Jeeps are going to be so…
Corvette ZO6 or Jag...Decisions...decisions....ZO6...
So this is what we have come to?.Skoda will give you a car for the week. I expect a thorough review.
Anal sex in the the most uncomfortable sex in the world (so I've been told)
I had a 5 speed it was a great car...and it thrashed a Mustang Gt when the Gt hit the limiter...and the 5000 just kept on rolling...great fun. I must have had that dash apart about 50 times fixing the heater.
Oh shut the fuck up, anal retentive no life whiners. Go and make a fuss about the NSA and the spying they do on us. Go ahead and ask questions about Building 7 and why it fell on Sept 11th or keep on whining about petty stupid pointless parking.
The new Corvette Z06 uses it to keep the heat from the exhaust and transmission from intruding into the passenger compartment.
Well if you want to move up to the ''heavy'' all those flight hours will be worth a lot of dollars as an ATP.(airline transport pilot)
I don't care what anyone says...I would...twice.