
Point taken, I shall not reply...I'll take a Mustang though.

I swear the turbonator I have gives my SUV unlimited MPG when parked! It's so effective I bought one for my bicycle and cat, Consider me satisfied!

...toking unions.

BRZ eh? Is that short for "breeze?" or *gasp* "bro'z".

Al Hakham! sounds arabic, probably jihadist in nature.

$14k is alot for a POS.

I call first dibs on any loose change between the cushions.

/grabs him by collar and shoves an eggroll up his (redacted).

Excellent product placement for Volks Wagen.

Mmm...Sturgeon steaks.

I'm rooting for the team who drives the F150.

Morris Minor?

Morris Minor?

nissan P/U?

I'll dig in with this!

@ndspanky13: ...Microdontia. makes for a gummy smile.

It looks different... I like it.

@Nighthawkwill7, Hoon Depot Manager: It may be just a nerd fantasy, but if I had a choice on how to die I would love to get my head crushed in between those thighs. :D