
Welcome to the world of fancy corporate doublespeak, where they tell people exactly what needs to be done without actually taking any responsibility for it.

Front page also references the USS Jenolan being missing, the supernova threatening the T’Kon Empire, and I think an Andorian Famine... I can’t get a better look at it than that though.

You would think a company like Disney would have more competent attorneys. This is established law in the US and you can’t half ass this shit.

So basically they couldn’t tell their employees ahead of time because they knew the ones that actually owned stock in the company would dump ahead of the stock tanking, and the only ones allowed to do that kind of insider trader are the executives.

I hear it tastes like boot polish.

That was the one I was waiting on. Bought it this afternoon and almost finished with it already.

The funny thing is that as I went looking for links to share on the various replies I’ve gotten so far, I find out that the follow-up book I’m waiting on has actually been released. Yay!

Spoilers ahead....


So does anyone know if they’re pulling a Star Wars Legacies with the old Novelverse, where they keep allowing stories to be written for that line while simultaneously releasing stories for “new” canon?

Someone described the later films as superhero movies, but the cars are the superheroes.

So do they expect Netflix & YouTube and other streaming services to submit each movie individually for review by Apple? No? Only the games? Huh. Wonder why that is. 

Kotaku’s written a couple articles about it in this week alone, I think.

Great for those four people in Australia.

Give the corporations time, they’ll sort out that whole ‘innocent until proven guilty’ thing in the court system, too.

He's worn them before. Not for official stuff, but pics exist on the googles. 

Weren’t the Republicans pushing for something to shield the employer for liability in cases like that?

LEGO missed a prime marketing opportunity. They couldn’t have waited three days to release that?

Is this like when twitch streamers and shit give out “their phone number” and it’s really the number to some PR bot?