
Couldn't it be that it's just too early in the life of this high profile character to do this promotional Hail-Mary bullshit? If I were writing Batman, or Flash, or Power Girl I wouldn't be able to expect an editor's high five to marry them off anytime soon.

I also think that the gay marriage storyline is a little

What a complete asshole.

They'll torture him, brainwash him, turn him against his fellow outlaws, and when they're done, they'll dissect him and preserve his body to find out what it is that makes Afroduck unlike any other man who has ever sat behind the wheel of a powerful racing machine.

He's reckless driver that Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now.

In my boyhood imagination, super villains had cooler names than Afroduck.

There are no fanholes more inclined to whine and cry about things as much as Trekkies.

And I use Trekkies as a pejorative.

I'd like to remind everyone here of two things:

And it's the punctuation. Capital of the. World.

You are a fucking divisive, solipsistic idiot.

Marfa's kind of a pretentious shithole anyway.

Oh, Dat Colletta ink! (Ugh!)

Who is that?