
I was actually going to jump on to suggest Rocket League. I have a daughter turning 1 year old in a couple days and I only play Rocket League and the occasional PUBG anymore. Luckily I have a switch, PS4, and PC with Rocket League on all so when I have a few minutes I can fire up the switch and get a few games in and

Like if they’re converted into credits

My disks probably have viruses on them :(

I mean, a lot of the work was probably done before the Sonic trailer actually came out. But yeah they’re fucked. 

You mean it would be puurfectly fine? Also, I wholeheartedly agree with you that they should have just done it with actual cgi cats instead of these unholy hybrids.

If you think he’s being serious... wait, I’m reading your name... Oh, THAT’S what you think is funny....

I approve this parenting.

It can be pretty brutal.

There is an option to have the maps self draw the floors/walls as you explore but it doesn’t put in any symbols or markers in so you’ve got to mark doors, points of interests, shortcuts, FOEs, and stuff like that on your own.

I suppose they can keep that self draw thing and maybe let you mark

Yeah, it’s basically ThinkGeek in retail now, but all the Game Stops I have been too still have them, it might simply be a larger supply in my area though? Perhaps Ohio has a bigger supply/demand for that system’s cartridges. They still have a 4ft section of wall where they display new 3DS games and accessories, as

The points you could earn was based off your purchases during the sale and the previous couple of months along with whatever you had left over from the Chinese new year one I believe. So you really only got the discount if you’ve spent a lot relatively recently. I had gotten an Index and between that and the small

This is the correct take, and yet people are calling you... a flat-earther? Never change, dumb nerds.

I used to pirate manga a lot. I never had any intention of buying any, because I had never read any before. I eventually discovered Junji Ito, who became my favorite mangaka, and pirated just about everything he put out. Shortly afterwards I bought collector’s editions of all of the works he put out in English. If not

Took the words out of my mouth.

With how the PlayStation Network got shut down to the point of sony having to send emails to all users to change their passwords after the network gothacked, you can’t really blame them for not having confidence in Sony’s network back then.

It’s a weird razor we’re walking right now. On one hand, we have people whining about being rightly ostracized for expressing intolerable hatred towards minorities and other marginalized groups.

Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.

The Quest is standalone, it doesn’t need a PC for anything so it has it’s own Oculus store. Oculus seems to be good about getting content on it though; Robo Recall, Moss, Beat Saber and others are already on the Quest.

Halo is really only very slightly less realistic than CoD.

Are you sure you don’t mean Hydroxic Acid? Truly dangerous stuff, that is. Although if you can get it cold enough to solidify, a couple of smallish lumps are amazing in a gin and tonic.

All except Paris... The worst Disney of them all.