
Until giant cookie enter conversation, me have to go with donut.

Genius! I’m sure the teams of biologists, zoologists and conservationists never thought of that!

In your melee weapon screen, scroll down to the bottom and you’ll see unarmed as an option. Pick it for one of your weapons, then choose it instead of a weapon during the game. I suppose if you are loyal to one melee weapon you can always keep unarmed equipped rather than two different weapons.

I’m down with people asking to remove some items but subbing just no. Cost of food is calculated in the price along with the inventory. When you start stealing from Peter to feed Paul then you run out of things for Mary. I don’t care if chicken is cheaper you either get it with shrimp or without it. no extra chicken.

My son shifted his diaper while in his bouncer and when I sat hin down on my chest while lying back he decided to poop through his onesie and on my chest.

When I was a lift op 15 years ago, we had three stops: the regular break, the emergency stop, and then a large metal beam that was supposed to drop down into the spokes of the bull wheel in the event of a roll-back. And if all three fail, get the hell out of there because there are going to be chairs flying, as you

Now playing

This sort of mechanism often has a point at which it’s all too late; the energy to be removed is building up at too high a rate for the brake to manage. Watch the video of what happens when an anchor chain brake fails:

In a way, yes. Basically you buy in on a drop and if enough people also buy in, the drop happens and you received your item(s) at some later date. It also allows for the price of the item to decrease if enough people buy into the drop, so something that would be $80 if 20 people buy it may become only $70 if 50 people

It’s organized group buying. Massdrop contacts manufacturers if there’s interest in a product, and they respond with group buy discounts. If 100 people buy, it’s $10 off, if 150 buy, it’s $20 off, etc.

Atari 2600

Currently, as in right now, I think most people are so scared of each other that everyone wants more guns than they have ever wanted before. These days a simple speeding ticket stop can end up in a death by shooting. I saw a car the other day that was frustrated at the mustang that was tailgating him so he slammed on

If your only professional qualification is that you can drive a car, you really shouldn’t be surprised when you’re easily replaced.

Or just do a full ban so we can have an article of banned idiots complaining on Twitter to laugh at.

I’d recommend grabbing the print and play files from his Dropbox. Unlikely he’ll be selling copies for very long, I’d wager.

Ahh thank you. I just came here looking for a Discovery reference and glad to see I was not disappointed.

Go to Black Alert!

Can confirm. According to Steamdb’s calculator, I’m currently sitting at 84% not played.

Haven’t you ever said “There’s nothing to eat” while staring at a fridge packed full of food?

That’s what my wife says during sexytime.