
Its nice to have others to distract but your palico buddy can kind of do that for you so its not strictly needed. The more players there are, the more of a damage sponge the targets become so, its actually kind of easier to solo. You should be fine and if you find your having trouble with a particular monster, just

I bet that’s why they are playing it.

Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

This woman is definitely already homeschooling her kid. How else will she protect him from the seks?

Perhaps you two would get along...perhaps not.

I’ve never been sick a day in my life.

I love cilantro. So, it’s not because of the cilantro that I would avoid Chipotle, but no wanting to get norovirus or some other disease that keeps me far away. Their nonchalant attitude after the first outbreak has me avoiding them.

You know, I didn’t even realize that they had cilantro in so much stuff! No wonder I started getting sick to my stomach several bites in. 

I’m a Gay (TM) and I agree. I mean it’s only insulting if you think sucking fat cocks is somehow degrading or shameful, which is itself homophobia? Would a straight guy get insulted if I said “Go eat a pussy, you’d probably like it”?

Pretty sure there’s a max size for rides in the workshop.

Which is silly, as it really should be in my country’s image.

You think racists actually believe they’re racist or take pride in it? No, they don’t. They know of the social stigma in common society and depend on other hateful people to embrace it. Those that are afraid of expressing their hate eventually lose their sense of morality and reality, other than “Us VS them”

It should be noted many islands in the Pacific like Taiwan, and those in the Okinawan Archipelago also had their own indigenous groups at one point.

It could never have gone low enough to make it worth while.

I’d be fine if they just gave a bit more free Helix than just 200 — which basically isn’t enough to buy anything useful. Maybe 500, plus another 500 for the season pass? That seems like it would be fair.

All I know is I’d rather die peacefully, in my sleep, like my dad did,

It’s tough for music to meet this bar but for video games, if you don’t have a playable demo or at least video of what appears to be actual gameplay, I’m going to be very, very suspicious.

Now, I understand that video games change scope and vision regularly. That’s part of any creative process but if you don’t have