
Shouldn’t it just say the Ten worst seasons?

Last time I really watched simpsons and enjoyed it was before the movie came out.  

Honestly, I think this style, with the nostalgia works better as this game looks than as bobble head toys.  If the gameplay is good, then this one could be pretty popular.  

In Canada, I don’t even think the bank asks what you’re occupation is.  And if they do, they don’t care because you get the bank card right after you’re done handing them the paperwork.  They do it all in one session with you.  As long as you have some money to deposit, they’re good.

Hey, as long as he keeps giving us free games every week, let him write whatever nonsense he wants. 

Dall-E decided VR was the way to go. I wonder what the red button on the controller is for.  Probably the “having a blast” button. 

Last Rock Band that came out was for XboxONE and didn’t support the xbox360 controllers.  I think they lost alot of sales as a result.  

I clicked the link thinking that it’d have a trailer for some new indie game. Instead.... Twitter posts about some rando youtuber that was in a video that might have had a trailer for the indie game in it, along with pictures of said video. But no video.  Nor any indication that there’s even a video game. 

Not a single set in there is worth more than 30 bucks. Other than the big set at the end, which should be like 50 at most. Lego prices are insane this year.

Or maybe he caught the car as it was thrown at him? Or it was falling off a cliff or bridge, and he was bringing it to the ground safely.

When my son and I are opening them, we definitely are looking forward to that rare. But we look at all the cards.  And play the game.  The shiny rare cards are just a bonus, and should be treated as such.  Not treated like it’s the entire hobby.  Those two kids that threw out cards, already forgot that.  

I play like one or two matches a day, if any. Just to take a quick break while I’m working.  No money spent on this beast either.  

Regarding just for kids. The other day, I was at a community center with my kid. And there were two 12 year old’s sitting at a table opening what looked like about 300$ worth of booster packs. After a few minutes, I realized that they were grabbing the rare card out, and dumping the rest into the pile of wrappers. “no

Sega needs to make the Dreamcast 2.  And release a bunch of insane games again.  Like 7th Cross Evolution.  

In trouble directly?  What trouble? There’s no trouble in releasing your game the way you want.  

What entanglements?  Torrenting isn’t illegal.  They’re releasing the Alpha build of the game.   It wont update automatically. So the devs aren’t having the whole game torrented.  

Why? It’s for an alpha test build of the game. It’s not the full release. Also, why would torrenting your build stop steam from workign with you?

Steam decided to side with the big company, instead of the little guy. They didn’t even give them a chance to fight back.

Well it sounds like they’re trying to fix this with the artist. So odds are that they’ll be compensated.

Somebody is about to get either reprimanded, or fired. Either way, all their existing work is gonna be cross checked, and anything they’re working on from now on.  

What a baby.

This is a great solution.