
this whole thing is almost as ridiculous as the whole "Edge" dispute several years back... while the word can't be copyrighted, if they're going to share the same word for their games, can't they settle differentiating them by having Bethesda keep the term "Elder Scrolls" as Mojang can... I dunno, call their game

this requires an obligatory reaction image

eight is great :3

yeah, I've noticed when it came to child characters, it was always the same woman for every single blasted kid... and even with today's technology like Audacity, they still don't bother altering the voices that much to at least have SOME degree of effort to have different-sounding voices.

Well at least there's Telemundo's dubs... but then again, they kind of lack emotion in a lot of scenes I've seen when they dubbed Dragonball Z for example. Basically a quick "let's get this over with and quick" mentality as the characters sound almost robotic.

switching between male or female pained grunts at any time would be a step in the right direction

it would be nice to customize your characters further than just simple skins, using custom voice clips would be cool as well as being able to change the physique

it's either a grunt of pain from a male voice killing the fantasy you're playing a female character, or imagining your character is unfazed by pain and death to the point they kinda come off as a badass

considering they stopped using the masculine-voiced grunt of pain and started using a standard stab sound whenever you got hurt, I suppose that helps out in the long run to make a female or genderless character more believable.

More than likely of how strict and seemingly no-nonsense the tone of voice seems to evoke, more frightening still to those who are unfamiliar with the language being unsure if they're being reprimanded or are given a compliment.

It's almost comparable to England's English with American. Aside from the regional accent, some words and phrases just aren't used over in the west.

good to see the Space Core is still hilarious... now I'm tempted to watch that scene in all the other dubbed languages and hear how they sound

I've been hearing about the app on Twitter, but I think I'm more satisfied with what the 3DS has.

Stronger regular enemies as opposed to traditional bosses?

good, sweet, merciful mother of God...

Probably the entry fee would be a nickel, considering the era was ripe with nickelodeons showcasing moving pictures.

excellent, I'll enjoy abusing the natural disaster button like I did back in my middle school days :3

I knew about being able to turn on/off background layers and sprites, but had absolutely no idea you could do the same with audio channels... I might have to mess with that sometime

I've noticed that when I was listening (and studying) music from older systems... more amusingly you can sometimes garble and screw up the song by abusing the sound effects you can do. Fun times as a kid...

Pretty heavy stuff... I guess it doesn't matter if you're a musician, actor or whatever, even artists and writers can have their moments of arrogance feeling some bizarre need to splurge their money from their success on drugs and constant parties that eventually whittles them down into a shadow of their former selves.