
I had no idea the NES was capable of doing something like that... I thought they had a limited amount of space to have music of varying instruments and sound effects going on at the same time...

so essentially the whole "No True Scotsman" fallacy in videogame subculture form

I thought he punched him in the face, but the slow-motion made it clear it was a throwing knife.

I guess quite a bit of MK3 was kinda creepy for me, the dark atmosphere was almost nightmarish, even the fatalities and blood-curdling screams kinda were burned into my mind.

the red chairs seem a little too flat on the right, but everything else seems pretty remarkable

huh... had no idea drawing on money was illegal... not like it diminishes its value.

either that or futuristic space military... it's fine, but we've got enough of them as it is

I'd say it's about time Colonial America gets a bit of attention in the realm of fantasy work... With all the countless Medieval Europe and Feudal Japan scenarios, it does get a bit repetitive.

The problem Chrono Cross suffered was that ever since it was announced as the sequel to Chrono Trigger, fans had EXTREMELY high hopes thinking we'd see a continuation of Crono and friends' saga across time or something... instead, we had unrelated characters in an unfamiliar world with little to signify it was in any

But... wasn't it by default white? At least with the original Red Ring-plagued model?

it's a show that can be enjoyed by all generations, it's one of the rare occasions a show can be timeless... despite the black and white picture and vintage technology used in the show

Most of the time, they calls them as they sees them

...was that Paul Eiding I heard as that big swordsman...?

it was a direct sequel due to it taking place in a neighboring prefecture two years after the events of Red & Blue as you met with the remnants of Team Rocket and much later had a one on one fight with Red as you explored Kanto, noticing the changes that occurred during the two-year time skip.

Really? I kinda saw it during the Ruby/Sapphire days

Red & Blue's direct sequel was Gold & Silver... which had you head out west to the Johto region after being acquainted with Kanto.

comic artists of the 1980s hardly implemented foreshortening... and if they did, it was done in a half-assed way like the above example

I remember wanting the tuner as well... but after seeing an actual portable TV tuner (not from a Game Gear) and seeing how terrible the reception was getting the signal from an antennae, not to mention a terrible limit of channels you could watch at any given time... maybe it was for the best we never got it.

Now playing

I'm kinda hoping it's a remake of the original MSX Metal Gear games...

ever since the jump to the third dimension, that brought about more issues like camera control (if any), physics (also, if any), more complex programming, multiple commands like reloading a weapon or aiming or attack combos...