
I hope it's an announcement for Swapnote's unlimited ink or ability to send short videos or creating animated loops

squint really hard at that little pile on the far-left, I think I can faintly see "3DS" on them

it was a guilty pleasure, a shame the rom I had wasn't fully translated and I couldn't follow the story or what I was supposed to do next

Sailor Moon: Another Story?

It's not the first time someone wanted a refund from their busted Pokemon.

bought it, though it lags even when I put the settings down to the absolute minimum

Hey buddy, I've got Pokemon Yellow for sale

I sadly missed out on multiplayer, I had next to no friends to play with. Instead, I screwed around with the cheats and had a ton of fun seeing the numerous, stupid ways I could fail missions on purpose.

I never gave him a chance to run away, I shot the table next to him making the computer fall to the floor, exploding on impact and making him fly back a bit :3

Well sure, if you're trying to force open confidential filing cabinets, I can understand... but why in the world would anyone have have exploding chairs?

needs more exploding objects that have no business exploding in the first place when you shoot them with your gun

considering cats always land on their feet... Chell as a cat seems to make a world of sense...

it's only logical to toss him in as an unlockable character... if at least for the Steam version

It's actually an improvement

I guess it became a meme because the contents were so ridiculous and the only memorable thing that won't mentally scar people are the iconic facial expressions in that unique art style.

...something like that :|

Loosely translated, Kuso Miso actually means "Shit Soup"

or a random video claiming to be awesome or hilarious and it ends up being a snuff video witnessing a person get killed in a brutal way.

hah, I remember hearing this way back when I used to use Kazaa...