
considering I've been using a Zune for the past several years, this doesn't look like too much of a hassle to adjust to.

actually, the Japanese title for the GBC game was "Ghost Babel", for some reason localization thought it would be a good idea to give it the same name as the PS1 game.

I can understand the concern about being able to kill kids and all, but... eh, if it were programmed that you were penalized more severely for doing so, it probably wouldn't be as much of a big deal... But we all know Fox News and Nancy Grace would twist it around and make it seem like you're encouraged to do so just

I have no idea... I assume 32 bit since this laptop was probably new during 2004, so that's likely a factor.

several years back I recall them saying they'll have a hard time trying to top Ocarina of Time when they went into retrospection on Twilight Princess.

the game continues to crash on me not even one minute into playing it... it's been doing this to me since the last few updates (when they started giving chests some animation).

actually, Kojima admitted Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker was considered to be called MGS5

on the bright side, since she got herself spayed, there's no chance of her breeding ever :3c

I sincerely beg to differ

that somewhat bugged me as well... then again, I pronounced it that way as a kid before learning about Japanese phonetics

same can be said with their Tanuki folklore showing off their huge balls for everybody to see

While playing Team Fortress 2 the other day, I was overhearing some kids talking about their parents getting them Call of Duty... one of them admitted he's in freaking 3rd grade. I told them unless they're 17, they shouldn't be playing that and that they have terrible parents for buying said game for them.

I've been on the 'net since around 1998 and it was a pretty common thing to do considering the anonymity at the time... plus, it's just fun having an alter-ego.

I agree with you on that last part... as nice as it is to have classic gameplay back, you realize how much more fun the modern stages are as Sonic finally adapted well in 3D gaming.

only use I felt with the "attack" button in that fight was to break free from those disembodied hands that stop you in 2D mode, otherwise, the attack button feels like a leftover of what the final battle was supposed to have to require it before they had to rush it to get the game sold.

I've been playing the game almost nonstop and unlocked nearly everything at this point... aside from the disappointing final boss fight, I'd say this is a perfect anniversary game for Sonic.

maybe if you're flying and below you is a seemingly-endless map of land, instead of invisible walls, the military could warn you if you go too far from the map and shoot you down if you keep going?

GTA3's Shoreside Vale was connected to a larger piece of land that implied was part of a much bigger map.

Maybe we need to bring back the whole "stranger danger" PSA we had decades ago and apply it to online games and, well... the internet in general.

interesting theory... but didn't the in-game news say he was going to Vice City? ...unless he went to Los Santos afterward to retire after his Vice City escapade.