
I liked the idea of making the Sonic series dark and kind of edgy, but forcing in swear words out of nowhere and having comically-large weapons with poor controls killed any chance to take the game seriously, that, and this game started using the 4kids actors.... it's an interesting idea, but it was executed poorly

Now playing

I got worried about what it would become of the Tail Concerto spiritual sequel... but then realized Bandai Namco's publishing it.

The fact the controller is shaped a LOT like an SNES/Super Famicom controller, the button layout is largely identical to games that associated with that controller...

@Azures: ditto, the games started feeling stale and hasn't stood out as much as they used to since after around the 9th or 10th game, 13 sorely disappointed me.

the only people complaining are fat people who refuse to unlock themselves from their room to protect them from the outside world

@Zing: Latitude D610... an old hand-me-down from my older brother... it managed to handle Portal, Half-Life 2 and Gmod...

@Zing: I'm on the same boat, a lame Dell laptop... it's so old, it's got a little nub between the G and H that acts like a secondary mouse... no laptops today have that.

@Duuuuuuude: it was Gargamel's plan all along, collecting the Smurfs so he can make blue flubber for Aperture Science.

looks like I'll need to get a beefier laptop before I can play this visual orgasm.

@Mommar: I didn't miss that, but it's an optional difficulty. If this Goldeneye's anything like the original version, you'd have to play through all the difficulties to unlock stuff.

didn't really care much about either of them, I'm probably one of the people who're curious if we'll see Misty ever again...

I'm fine with the changes like having Trevalian be alongside you in the first level, I'm fine with the Cuban jungle now as a Nigerian jungle...

that's some hardcore dedication... that dude taking the shots is a trooper

Aw, no Seagate and Coney Island...?

I basically lost it when he had to BRB to get something to eat... still screaming as if it was going to be another long battle to the kitchen/restaurant to indulge his hunger.

Heh... this article actually makes me feel good about dropping out of college... and it happens to be the SAME college she graduated from.

@oldage: dear lord, that's horrifying...

honestly, my PSP's been gathering dust more often than my DS... the PSP gets so few worthwhile games that nab my attention since the good games get released so far in-between. The last worthwhile game in recent memory was MGS Peace Walker, before that, I honestly don't remember.

pfft, it's not like playing as terrorists will encourage people to become one themselves. If anything, I imagine people playing as terrorists would probably act like idiots...

who wants to bet she'll just get a slap on the wrist for this?