
ok, seriously... I've had my eye on these games being rereleased for a good while... they first announced it being released on the DS (never came), announced it for DSiWare (still waiting on that) and now they're announcing it for the Wii... are we getting it in some form or not?

@surft: I kinda second that. DOA has a fair bit of fanservice, why not Street Fighter? XP

Awfully tempting... I've been pretty happy playing Worms World Party on my PC while for the fun of it, adding voice clips of Bill Cosby, Dr Weird and a bunch of other voices...

0:40 "hey Samus....remember me?"

And... how did Ty stand out compared to the other animal mascots during the early to mid PS2 era? An Aussie accent and a boomerang didn't make him THAT unique.

y'know, this could've been titled "Thor kicks a bitch" and it still would've been funny

Now playing

I'm sorry, I can't help but be reminded of this video... good times...

Videogames aren't allowed to be fun? Video GAMES...?

@carrlander: I don't like sports, to watch or to play.

I've had the DS Phat since it was first released and been wanting to upgrade for the longest time... but the new models keep getting pumped out way too quickly...

rerelease Snatcher and make a sequel to it, and for once bring Policenauts over here

...I like the light, scattered applause on what I presume to be a relatively crowded room

@FATDAN: the game for the Wii version was flipped so that made east become west and all right-handed people became left-handed and vice-versa... play the game while looking at a mirror and you're essentially playing the Gamecube version.

also worth noting it's the first right-handed Link...

aw lame, the video was made private

Congratulations, your Imakuni? has evolved into.....that thing.

that's a rather... random and long commercial for JUST milk...

Math Blasters... sorta helped me out as a kid, as simplistic as the questions were to rescue your dog Spot...

@Killer Toilet: ba-dum pssh!

I'm hoping they somehow implement Debug Mode, that's one thing I kinda miss from the originals.