
again?? I remember there was a similar infuriating glitch in Warrior Within where you're close to fighting the final boss, but for some inexplicable reason, the warp that leads to the boss never activates, forcing you to start the game all over again in the hopes it works the next playthrough.

a walking form, a tank form (shagohod?) and a flying form... this piques my interest of the game even more...

only thing that comes to me is "Bounty's Head" as since, her ships usually look like her suit's helmet.

call me pessimistic, but considering how disappointing the next game after Gold/Silver (Ruby/Sapphire) was, I'll observe this next game from afar to see if it delivers, or if the fancy new graphics is the main thing they're focusing on...

@samuel.ayaz90: the creator of the Pokemon SERIES, Satoshi Tajiri seems to be the only logical step up from the Pokemon world's fictional god...

@battra92: a better idea would be to just sell them online on ebay, there's likely people willing to buy them somewhere

we also had that adapter for the Gamecube that let us play Game Boy games on the TV.

Wait, what? ...Wouldn't this technology be considered sorcery by the Saudi government?

maybe this is precisely why Nintendo made Wiiware, to help prevent this sort of thing and have indie developers get their money without getting swindled in the end.

@IanC: it's definitely longer, catchier and less annoying than Sonic 3's short invincibility music...

@Paradox me: agreed, it's a nice throwback to the first games as like an early 20th anniversary sort of thing...