Just some research for an upcoming sermon. Yeah—that's the ticket. Research!
Just some research for an upcoming sermon. Yeah—that's the ticket. Research!
On the other hand, if you're already logged into Twitter, it flies on by.
There's an app for that.
They reset something and the process went smoothly.
I have done so. Thanks!
Key element. Make dang sure you're logged in with the username/pwd combo before telling it to use one of the other methods.
"No, NSA does not have the ability to do that in the United States." is an honest answer in that it refers to NSA's inability to take orders from a former Vice-President.
Windows file names are not case sensitive. Linux file names are case sensitive. What you're seeing is not alphabetical sorting but, as CamJN mentioned, a sort on the numeric value of the ascii character, probably just because it's faster and easier to do it that way.
/s/re/red to /
I hope Adrian Chen and @horse_ebooks is happy with this development.
The primary interest a girl looks for in a guy is his interest in her.
If Gawkerites had truly been seeking a more Deadspin view of the world, wouldn't they have been reading Deadspin to begin with?
Suckered by reality again. I'd clicked through on the thumbnail of the photo up top thinking it was a spaceship by Mobius.
The notion of conservative bias is a liberal invention.
Answers are cheap, unless you want answers both correct and useful. Those are expensive to produce.
To say you're wanted for questioning, but to post your picture under a Creep of the Week heading is to pass judgement and publish that judgement.
I'd have to think claiming the Sheriff's Creep page creates unfair prejudice against the alleged would be a pretty easy argument to make.
Apparently dead things spin more than one might realize.
No wonder he's a failed businessman. His merchandise is way overpriced.
Oops. You're right. My bad for not looking it up, but that's the story I was referencing.