
Hold on, they were still printing Super Street?

I do have most of my 10mm sockets, but my 10mm wrenches and 18mm sockets seem to vanish with a frequency that is otherwise unheard of.

That video...I don’t get it. But of course, that probably isn’t the point. It’s silly nonsense, and that’s fine. There’s a distinct branch of folks that go to Art Basel that will eat it up. Keep in mind, Art Basel is where two “pieces of artwork” each sold for $120,000. The quotes were necessary because said artwork

It’s a strategy that presumably helps deter long lineups full of obsessive fans or professional eBayers, but it’s annoying for legitimate collectors who will potentially have to scour an entire country to score one of these at a reasonable price.

Let me know when someone hacks the display to play Doom. Until then, it’s about $160 more than any decent travel mug needs to be.

Even better, reach out to the folks at Lebanon Ford in Ohio, and buy a brand new F-150 with a whipple blower for $40,000. Stock appearance, half the price.

Best of luck, sir! Thanks for your help in keeping Jalopnik awesome for the last 8 years.

I have nothing of value to add, but the headline through me. I must have read it four times, wholly confused about what you were trying to say.

Ugh...I just........

Honestly, no. As far as I have seen, there are no smartphone options that allow you to fully opt out of some form of data collection. Even Apple has had their share of issues like this. If you do find one, you still have to also consider what your service provider collects as well.

Radiation is all around us, and is in practical terms, inescapable.

Sure, I absolutely respect that you have your opinion about electric vehicles. I’m not sold on buying one for myself just yet either, but I know there will come a day where that is the reality I will have to face. Even if not from an enthusiast’s angle, but at the very least from a daily commuting one.

The chief differentiator of performance cars is going away, they’ll all be powerful, effortless and nearly uniform in approach and design.

Pretty similar to central Florida between March and November. Sea breeze from the Atlantic meets sea breeze from the gulf of Mexico, and creates powerful thunderstorms. It’s not unusual in the summer to go a week or more with daily bright, sunny, and humid mornings, followed by torrential downpours and intense

Bummer, but good luck in future endeavors!

Yeah, too bad Toyota has no racing heritage whatsoever...

Glad to read that I’m not alone in feeling that way. Got the game when it first came out, and right off the bat, wasn’t a fan of the prologue. But everyone kept saying how amazing it was, and that I just had to stick with it until I get out of the snow. So I kept going.

Two games that instantly felt overlooked to me:

But even that is a somewhat flawed analogy. If a professional baseball player gets a lifetime ban, it isn’t like they can just pick up a stick and be a pro hockey player. Sure, there have been a couple of dual-sport athletes, but to be talented enough to be make it to the professional stage? Outside of Bo Jackson,

Apparently, calling someone a herb is surprisingly effective...