
True, it just isn’t worth discussing matters with someone who has their entire argument predicated on providing counterpoints to things no one said or implied.

I’d love for you to point out where I argued that their political content was earth-shattering. Not only did I never say anything of the sort, you had to make quite the leap to get there somehow.

Never really read Deadspin, huh?

I am rather intrigued...

If the nitty-gritty details of a character are immaterial to the story as a whole, then yes, 5 minutes is plenty of time to make a character. But if your decisions truly make a difference in the story/gameplay/overall experience, then it is well worth the time needed to finesse it to exacting standards.

I’ve always looked at it through the same lens as I would for IRL friends.

This may provide ammunition for Madden curse believers, but I put it to you that football is the problem here, not a video game.

All things considered, The Caesars GP course was quite brilliant with consideration to it being strictly a temporary course. The two main failings were that they ran the course counter-clockwise and that Las Vegas can be brutally hot, even in the fall months.

My S10+ took about 20 minutes of trial and error to even scan one fingerprint of mine during the initial setup, which of course worked to unlock the phone one out of every 50 or so attempts. In fact, it’s the only feature of the phone that sucks so far.

They actually do have an exception from the DMCA.

Lies. There’s no comma in his name.

Eventually I will, at least that’s the plan. Gotta burn through a few other shows I’m trying to catch up on.

Great, thank you!

Haven’t watched Breaking Bad since the initial TV run, and only watched the first two seasons of Better Call Saul (again, during their initial run). I loved both, but BB left me thoroughly satisfied enough that I didn’t want to go back and re-watch, while BCS just somehow sort of got away from me and I got sidetracked

Yup. Looking at the clues, it’s the only answer that makes sense.

Sometimes it’s just better to not think too hard about it.

The key takeaway of this article for me is that I should be totally justified in buying four more vehicles. One for each conceivable situation.

This also works for DirecTV equipment and AT&T U-Verse cable equipment. At least it did a couple years ago when I ditched each company individually.

We’re kicking it at around 15-20mph here in the valley, due west of you. No generator at home, but we’re on SMUD power, not PG&E.

I was ready and counting down the days for the Pixel 4XL release, and then my old LG G6 went and died on me. Kind of a bummer, as I didn’t want to be going 2+ weeks without a phone, and really didn’t feel like buying a cheapo phone just for such a short amount of time.