
A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet...or something to that effect.

That’s a pretty spicy take.


I keep wanting to catch a flight out there, buy a car, and drive it back home. But I get nervous about registration and smog certification (living in California). My understanding is that the process is much easier if someone else has already had the same car (year, trim level) registered and certified within the

I’d say it depends largely on how an employer awards and maintains leave time. In my current role, I accrue a healthy amount of leave, and there is no use-by date associated with it. I can stock up as many sick hours as I want with no cap and up to 504 vacation hours, and also convert worked overtime to additional

Bought two games this week, Control and Final Fantasy VIII Remastered. I suspect that Control will be a game that I will not want to stop playing once I get involved in the story, but FF8 is a game I have played and beaten before, so I might start with that and see how the nostalgia feels on me, then go from there.

So if you ask Siri if she is a feminist the voice assistant responds with “I am a believer in equality, and treating people with respect.”

This team is motivated. We’ve got some talented players. - Brian Flores

Now playing

Of course, because nothing bad has ever happened with gasoline and an open flame.

Push the emergency fuel cutoff button, then let the attendant know why you did it.

That will always be the correct answer.

The Galue has never really done anything for me.

Well, at least they aren’t going to waste then!

This sounds more like an honest mistake being latched onto by one dishonest person. I have an incredibly common English name, and have had it mangled on Starbucks cups in ways that make me question whether I am speaking the same language as the person taking the order. But ultimately, it’s a non-issue. The incident

Quick, everyone! Send your thoughts and prayers! It’s the only way to stop this!!

The day a pelican gave me a concussion.

Bingo. I’ll still drink Founders until I see the new ownership really messing with the product. If they switch to cheaper ingredients to increase their bottom line and I can notice an obvious difference as a consumer, that’s reason to be unhappy. But as long as they keep making good beer, I’ll support the staff that

I always like to tell people I’d never sell out to any beer conglomerate. That I have pride and passion in my product, and to give all the blood, sweat, and tears (figuratively speaking, my beer contains practically no blood, sweat, or tears) away for mere money is laughable...

As do I, especially the Canadian Breakfast Stout. The Kentucky version is also good. Hell, all of them are good.

Truth right here.