
I fought the meatless burger craze for as long as possible. No real great rationale as to why, I guess I just assumed it would be weirdly bad (like the first time I had a MorningStar burger). But then a week and a half ago, my preferred local dive bar started selling all of their delicious burgers with a choice of

The box art looks almost like it was done by the magnificent folks over at Mikkeller. Almost makes it worth it to me. Almost.

Seven years is an absurdly long time, especially in sports.

Yeah, but what about Barack HUSSEIN Obama going golfing in Hawaii when he was president? Huh???

I predict it will still be less fun than it was before the whole track was paved.

It worked for Mystery Science Theater 3000. They managed to raise almost $6 million from Kickstarter backers, and the revamped show was (in my opinion) just as campy and fun as the original.

I used it for awhile after moving to a new neighborhood. I got weary of it after multiple “emergency” alerts in the middle of the night, every single night for a week straight about someone’s lost cat.

“Fun to look at” is a term I would never, ever use to describe the Murano CC. “Funny looking” would be a more apt term.

Really savor that one for a minute: the full carrot effect.

Clearly, you’re one of the 6,000 or so people that bought one. So I get that you take offense to folks ribbing the car. But one look at the sales figures backs up the question of who exactly the thing is for. They didn’t sell well (annual sales of the Murano CC were lower than monthly sales of the original Murano),

Just imagine if Nissan did this with their Z cars. Every couple of years, adding a new special edition, tweaking things here and there. It might only seem old, not quite ancient.

That’s an awesome build. Some great engineering and ingenuity.

Wow, I’m pretty proud of myself for getting you to read 300 words about sloths on Jalopnik, but now let’s get to the car stuff.

Sure, I can agree with that assessment. I don’t feel called out at all, I honestly just appreciate the discussion. I think where we are today can be attributed to some point to not growing up wealthy. I briefly dated an “heiress” while in college. She doesn’t stand to get billions, but easily in the 8-figure realm.

All totally valid points. Like I said, I didn’t want to start an argument (and I still don’t).

I don’t want to get into a debate of semantics (honestly), but a couple million isn’t that much money if you do absolutely nothing with your life. If you make an average of $50,000 per year and work for 40 years, that nets you $2,000,000 over the course of your working career. Now, sure you could argue that $50,000 is

For sure, I would definitely not recommend it if you already have a PSP for that exact purpose. I have (had maybe) one, but I misplaced it in one of my moves over the years and never bothered to replace it.

It’s quite a bit more expensive ($170 for the introductory run, then I believe it is going up to $200), but I just picked up a GameShell with a Clockwork Pi board for pretty much the same reason.

I’m plenty worthy enough to buy it.

What a weird thing to hate.