
I’d say it’s a coin toss between:

Because the NHTSA is a draconian organization that hates new and exciting things.

I don’t care what it’s called, I just want the film injected straight into my eyeballs right now.

Not only that, but the north fork flows right into the Pardee Reservoir near Mokelumne Hill, which is probably about 4 miles long end to end.

Traveling with only a carry-on saves time, money, and hassle. If everyone pared down their traveling possessions, there would be far less weight on a plane, which equals better fuel economy. It also means no fees for checked bags, no lost bags, no waiting for bags to come out on the carousel.

I think this is a well-intentioned request, seriously.

like a pug that’s been taking secret Krav Maga classes when you thought he was sleeping.

If I’m driving, something easy to hold and difficult to spill. Jerky usually works well. And plenty of water.

I feel like Kevin, for the most part, just went for regular breakfast staple foods. However, that isn’t always a bad thing.

Well, this is basically a tall and blocky Versa...

Here’s my checklist:

This was as close to a tie between all of you that I have seen so far. I give the slight edge to Allison though, for nailing it with shrimp and grits to close out the draft.

I feel like this story could be true in any of the two following circumstances:

They sure are. Go to central Florida in their peak season (usually a week in spring and a week in fall), and you will have at least 100 (or many more) splatted across the front of your car within about 2 or 3 miles. Seriously.

Does the compensation pick rule hit June 1st? Dang, I was thinking July 1st. Oops!

I’m a little surprised that they haven’t seemingly made a big push to get Keuchel. I imagine that all changes July 1st.

Thankfully, four of these currently reside in my beer fridge (Alaskan Amber, Boston Lager, Obsidian Stout, and Tripel Karmeliet).

I love how this James Terazakisizaiseiaisisas guy made a Kinja account just to reply to every single person on this thread. Seeing someone stan this hard for an overwhelmingly unreliable brand just made my day.

Idiocracy was supposed to be satire, right? Because it feels more and more like a documentary from the future...

I, like most people, have honestly never once had any Alfa break down on me, cost me a penny in maintenance, or give me any sort of trouble whatsoever.