
I got a new job, you guys. This is the final post of “subtlename-notatwork”

How far could you fake a punt and run with a football?

I would have expected this at Louisville.

I think Mighty Cucks, has a better sound and you just change the goalie mask on the duck to a bondage mask.

Calling someone the worst kind of person for their fandom seems kinda counterintuitive when you’re the one acting like an asshole. Just something you should think about.

I’m a Habs fan (obvs by the name) but this was fucked. I sat there like WTF is he doing and he full on deserved to get kicked out. I know the rule says specifically if the goalie hits a player in the head with his blocker he should be ejected, but this was close enough and it was also excessive.

Otherwise known as “just my type”

I actually live in the attic you pathetic fuck. And having nothing to do with a crime doesn’t excuse celebrating the criminal because he was good at winning nominally amateur athletic events

It’d be nice to see an actual football discussion on here about Penn State and not some stupid, internet neckbearded, mama’s basement dwelling idiots. Look we get it, Sandusky was bad. JoePa was bad, Larry Moe and Curley were bad. And they are all gone and there is nothing anyone can do about it. I hate it and them

Well, I can take joy in the pain of people who are regretting their votes because Donald is not building a wall/prosecuting Clinton. I really don’t have a lot of sympathy for those ones.

My partner is convinced that all his claims of rigged elections during the campaign were a ruse to get Hillary Clinton to agree to accept the results, because he knew that the election was being rigged in his own favor somehow.

First, he didn’t save anything... he had Pence force the Indiana taxpayers to subsidize those 800 jobs (which works out to about $9k per job), which is quadruple the incentive given to them last time (which led to hundreds of jobs being lost/automated anyway), simply because he didn’t want to look bad.

We should all be pleased he’s set a precedent that we have to pay companies (that make millions, even billions in this case) a ransom to keep a handful of their jobs here in the US. Okay. How is this not corporate welfare? What happened to the crushing tariffs that would FORCE companies to stay that he promised

That’s certainly a possibility.

Cynicism is, at its heart, optimistic. I appreciate the endorsement, but we’ve both failed at kinja by not calling each other various iterations of penis breath.

If you’re not from Brazil, it’s hard to understand the magnitude of this tragedy.

The only thing worse than them using the suites would be if they DIDN’T use them. Nothing bugs me more when I’m at a game and I see a super expensive suite that’s basically empty. Meanwhile, I’m crammed in next to a sweaty fat guy (or a mirror, I’m not sure) in tiny seats, surrounded by idiots yelling the most asinine

You personally should probably stick to two because you seem to be getting angry and belligerent at the thought of not being able to drink more than that...and it’s kind of weird. Tom lays out his reasons quite well (to stay in control and not do anything dumb). Not sure why you seem so angry about that...but that

It’s that same voice that says, “No, you can totally make the jump from the roof to the pool. No problem, you got this!”

The more you have the more you lose that self control and you end up with a voice inside your head that says “ I’m good. I can totally have more!”