
Nah, you were only my enemy in the comics.

It’s been almost three years now since the last time I had any dealings with that scene, and with any luck, no new upstarts will ever show up looking for someone to make a name for themselves with.

Hey, it started out as an awesomely fun ride. I’ll always have that to thank you for. That, and for introducing me to a certain time traveling femme fatale.

I was indeed working alone. It started out fun, a shared blog, some fun photoshops, almost immediately I decided to strike out alone. I met my ‘nemesis’ pretty quickly, and it was her friend who ultimately became my enemy.

I had help on the way back from the craziness, more than I deserved.

We will ask the questions here, comrade.

I’d actually love to see that on Legends of Tomorrow. Just, out of the blue, Batman shows up and kicks the ever-loving shit out of Savage, then dissappears again. The heroes turn to each other. “Who the hell was that?” Someone says.

See, I had a idea a few years back that would have fixed all of this. Since DC doesn’t like Martian Manhunter much these days, the reboot would have been a prime opportunity to mash him and Superman together. Make Superman a true alien, not human looking, merely humanoid. Have him have to concentrate to be able to

Simon Pegg is slowly turning into Bill Nighy.

I bought Pirate Latitudes at a garage sale over a year ago and haven’t made it past the second chapter. I can’t say that it impressed me so far.

We already had a Symbiote doing jazz hands once. Do we seriously want to revisit that chapter of history?

I’d actually like to see how the ID4 world turned out in the long run. Was mankind rallying to defend their planet against Alien attack enough to keep them together? Let’s look at it this way: in the wake of Manhatten being incinerated, would 9/11 have happened? How would it have happened differently? How would

I had Unreal Tournament 2007 for the PC and I brought in the cast of Red vs. Blue to try to make my own machinima in that gigantic samurai fortress map.

At least the service was speedy.

My sister had the Flowers in the Attic series and I ‘borrowed’ them when I was like eleven.

So what white girl will get cast in the lead role? Also, we’ll need to change the setting to an urban dystopia, with plenty of old white guys pontificating about stuff. Also, Caribbean magic? That sounds too confusing for audiences to follow. Let’s have instead the white girl protagonist just be really sad all the

She actually lost the shoes at the beginning of that final scene and was running around barefoot for the entire sequence.