
I rented a Camaro yesterday (courtesy car provided by the dealership because my brand new 2011 Mazdaspeed 3 busted its transmission), and haven't even had to add gas yet! True story! No need for bagels, though bagels sound really good right now.

We go to full on red!

@Grimm808: Capcom likes cleavage, only logical explanation.

@jayntampa: "Pretty burned" is a bit of an understatement. I worked for EA back then (on an MMO team), and it seemed to us that they actually put all their eggs into the PS3 basket. There was some minor support put in place for the 360, with merely ports of PS3 sports titles planned, and absolutely no plans were made

@felixandrews: I also wouldn't be surprised to find out that the $250 for the 3DS is deliberately set high just so they can immediately drop it to $200 for the holiday season, while also dropping the prices of the rest of the DS line accordingly.

Wow, really awesome story. Now I'm all nostalgic for usenet and IRC. Wasn't Talk City the IRC community that WebTV used?

@agreeable_panda: Check out the top bar on their main icon screen screenshot. It's totally the Android top bar. Even has the same "Home" icon dead center. So either it's running Android or Google's gonna be lawyering up the moment it's released.

Oh. Hello.

@AnimeCanuck: I'm already frightened I'm gonna drop the darn thing! XD

Wait, NGP itself is running Android?

@Revenge_of_Nekojin: I'll agree that it's over doing it a bit for one game, but this does mean that the PSP2 can have a port or sequel to Meteos. Basically it opens up the options devs have for what kinda of games can be developed on the system.

Fails without Monster Hunter. XD

Touch screens are totally a fad.

Pics or it didn't happen.

Now playing

So...Playstation on Android? DO-hohohohoho!

"Epic Japan folks"

Do you think they will just have some sort of teaser then tell everyone to come see their booth at E3?