
... uh... this game is based on fictional characters... everything about it is “made up”.

they had 20 years of allegations, this was not a sudden thing for them

if you’re friends with a rapist, I dont like you.

lol I literally just wrote a reply saying that it's conans schtick.

yeah that’s an old conan schtick; “they know about you/me/us, and they are coming to get you/me/us”

too round, very clown shoe.

its going to be regarded as a scam for as long as it is not fully released, and if the devs decide to cut features people explicitly paid to support.

yes Mr musk, you are correct! history has shown us that sueing civil rights defenders always puts you on the RIGHT side of history. No one will ever look back and talk about the choices you made in a negative light!

republicans can’t keep their hands off kids!

Call of Duty has a developer bodycount so high that they should be enshrined in the Hip-Hop Hall of Fame at this point.”

Way to be a narc, hope you enjoy the taste of boot.

I stopped going to panda express once I learned they don’t serve real panda meat. That’s the real scandal, why aren’t we talking about that?!?

we wouldn’t hold them to such standards if they didn’t establish them before every game they release.

wow, another crypto scheme plummeting in value? what a completely unforseen series events that has totally not happened to other cryptocurrencies in the past.

it makes perfect sense, manufacturers have a history of phasing out electric devices al la apple with their software always moving forward and then older products being left in the dust.

His facebook profile says he works for the lord Jesus christ. is anyone surprised?

according to his facebook page, he works for the Lord Jesus Christ.

A quick lookup of his names will find you a creepy Facebook page.

if we flip thing around, you basically said:

nope, fuck big devs making piles of buggy trash with day one cosmetics and microtransactions. and then they tell us to shut up and enjoy our gruel.